Saturday 31 October 2020

Potential Causes Of Sneezing In Puppies

Has your beloved puppy been sneezing a lot lately? Sneezing is a form of involuntary response to the dog's respiratory system. Sneezing is typically a response to an underlying irritant found in the dog's upper airways (mucus membranes). You might be bothered but sneezing from time to time is completely healthy and normal because there are many potential irritants around the house or wherever the dog frequents. Having said that, it may come from something more serious if sneezing is recurring, or if it comes with gagging, runny nose, or a snorting sound. There is a variety of potential causes of sneezing, and it may include problems such as tumors, viral infections, seasonal allergies, or even foreign objects found along the dog's nasal passages. In the case of puppies, sneezing might be related to a particular type of respiratory tract infection. In other cases, distemper virus or kennel cough could be the culprit.

Any sign of illness exhibited by your pet should warrant an appointment at your animal hospital Tipp City, OH.

Your Cat’s Litter Box Issues

veterinarians Ellicott City, MD

A cat’s litter box can have an impact on the cat’s potty habits and behavior. Cat owners have to be meticulous about the overall design and specification of the litter box. Its shape, size, and depth can affect how cats act towards it and practice their potty habits. Cats tend to avoid litter boxes with a cover or lid on them where they could feel trapped and held captive as they take a dump. Another issue you may encounter especially if you have a relatively fat cat is that the litter box with a cover might be a tad bit small for it. Cats suffering from medical conditions and old age can have a more difficult time with an inappropriately-sized litter box. Those with arthritis already have limitations with their movements and can have a tough time entering and exiting their litter boxes. For these reasons, you should purchase a litter box that can surely fit your cat and accommodate its movement inside the litter box at the same time.     

Contact your local animal hospital or your pet’s veterinarians Ellicott City, MD if you need more information and help regarding your pet’s potty problems and habits.

Occasional Sneezing in Puppies


Sneezing in puppies is a condition that alarms pet owners. Puppies that sneeze regularly may have underlying health conditions that need to be treated by the veterinarian. On the other hand, puppies that have occasional episodes of sneeze should be fine. Usually, irritants from the environment such as dust, dirt, or pollens cause puppies to sneeze. While pet owners should not worry about their puppies sneezing every now then, it is best to determine what causes the sneezing. Here are some simple tips for managing occasional sneezing in puppies:

- If your puppy is sneezing, do not give your puppy too much exercise. Go easy on physical activities.

- Place your puppy inside the crate once in a while. Check what irritant is triggering the sneezing while observing your pet’s behavior.

- Check your puppy’s temperature to see if it has a fever. Usually, a temperature that is higher than 101F signals that your puppy may be experiencing an illness, other than just sneezing. If this is the case, bring your puppy to the veterinary clinic Matthews NC for appropriate medical care.

Tips For Keeping Your Dog’s Teeth Healthy


veterinarian San Antonio, TX

Establish a daily oral care routine and have your dog’s teeth checked regularly by a veterinarian. You should always consider dental care as an essential part of your dog’s health. Diseases can develop if dental health is neglected. The plaque build-up may not be as serious as it may sound but infections, periodontal conditions, tooth decay and even tooth loss can result from plaque formation alone. These are common in dogs with poor dental hygiene and those without regular dental regimen. 

Dog’s teeth should be examined by a dental professional or a veterinarian. Dental visits twice a year is the usual recommendation, but this can vary depending on the assessment of your dog’s veterinarian. Structures of the oral cavity are examined during these dental visits. The integrity and health status of dental structures are inspected closely. Veterinarians will look for any signs of pain, discoloration of your dog’s teeth, and gum inflammation. 

Procedures to be done would depend on the findings of your veterinarian San Antonio, TX. Cleaning might be suggested by your veterinarian if they see plaque and tartar formation in your dog’s teeth. If they find tooth decay, your veterinarian might be prompted to perform a root canal procedure; while loose teeth can be subject to removal. Some complex procedures may warrant the use of an anesthetic to immobilize your dog while the procedure is being done.

How Often Should You Feed Your Labrador Retriever Puppy

veterinarian Thorold ON

If you have a Labrador Retriever Puppy, keep an eye on how often you should feed it. Labrador Retrievers are heavy eaters. Genetically, they are easily prone to becoming overweight, most especially if their feeding is uncontrolled.

So, how often should you give food to your puppy? Veterinarians suggest feeding Labrador Retrievers three times a day. Give food to your puppy in the morning (between 6 to 7 am), noontime, and evening (between 5 to 6 pm). Do not give them food multiple times a day to prevent them from becoming obese. When your puppy is around 12 weeks old, you may cut down the feeding times to twice a day.

Controlling how often you feed your puppy is beneficial to your pet’s health. Too much food intake leads to obesity which causes a variety of diseases. For any concerns regarding your pet’s diet, always discuss it with your veterinarian Thorold, ON.

Friday 30 October 2020

Why floor time is important to your guinea pig


Your guinea pig is a wonderful creature who has a desire to enjoy her time by your side day after day. You know that floor time can help with this. Why is this the case?
Your little fur ball needs to be able to spend some time outside of her enclosure in order to really understand what it will take to create a comfortable relationship with you. This allows you to interact in a variety of ways and gives you a chance to better grasp your pet’s other needs that can be addressed during this activity, like to enjoy some time in a new space and to get some exercise while also taking part in some playtime. Your guinea pig will benefit from open spaces where she can roam around while also being properly supervised. Your local pet clinic Flat Rock NC can help you better understand your pet.

Car-Chasing Behavior in Dogs


Pet owners may find their dogs chasing cars as amusing. Car-chasing is a dog behavior that pet owners need to understand and prevent. Car-chasing not only puts a dog at risk but the car drivers as well. There is a high chance that dogs will get hit or injured by a car, or will cause damage to properties and people. Dogs have prey instincts, meaning, they have the desire to pursue, catch, or chase something, which explains the car-chasing behavior. Once a dog experiences the thrill or excitement of chasing a car, it will continuously anticipate the arrival of vehicles and run after them.  

Car-chasing, if it becomes a habit, is something that pet owners should stop. One simple thing that pet owners can do is to put a leash on their dog while outdoors. Dogs chase cars because they are also full of energy. A walk to a nearby park or around the neighborhood will help dogs burn off energy. Pet owners may do playtime as well with their dogs while inside a fenced backyard.

You should talk to a veterinary clinic Greater Cincinnati should you find difficulty in stopping your dog’s car-chasing habit.