Saturday 5 October 2019

Keeping Your Guinea Pig From Getting Lonely

Your guinea pig is a very social animals and he will enjoy interacting with you. Your guinea pig will get lonely if he is left alone for long periods of time. Locate your guinea pig’s enclosure where he can observe and interact with your family. However, don’t put it in the main flow of household traffic. He needs some privacy and quiet time to rest. Schedule time to play with your guinea pig outside his enclosure daily. These sessions offer a chance to exercise, socialize and get enough mental stimulation. Ensure that the whole family interacts with your guinea pig. Consider getting a companion guinea pig If your work or recreation schedule makes it that your guinea pig could be alone all day. Your two guinea pigs can interact and play with each other throughout the day. You should give your pig(s) attention when you get home. Learn more from your pet clinic Michigan City, IN.

Friday 4 October 2019

Picking Up Your Guinea Pig

You could injure your guinea pig if you pick him up improperly and he could even die if you drop him. Thus you need to handle him with care. Ensure that your guinea pig is comfortable with you before you try to pick him up. Sit by his enclosure as you sing or talk to him softly. Drape your hand inside for exploration and try hand feeding him. Act efficiently as you pick up your guinea pig. Position one hand under his chest just behind his front legs. As you lift, use the other hand to scoop up his rear end. Pull your guinea pig to your chest to keep him from wriggling away. Be prepared to put him down on a safe surface rather than dropping him. Never pick up your guinea pig by a leg or the scruff of the neck. For more information, contact your pet clinic Grayson, GA.

My Dog Ate a Crayon – What Should I Do?

Most dogs love to get into some kind of mischief. Whether it’s running in the dirt, playing in the mud, eating bugs, or eating crayons our canine companions like to keep us on our toes. If your dog has recently chewed up an eaten a crayon don’t panic. Instead, give your vet a call and explain what happened. If possible, check the crayon or other crayons in the pack to see if the label says toxic or non-toxic. Most crayons these days are non-toxic which means your dog will most likely be fine other than pooping out different colors. If you can’t find it or it says toxic then call animal poison control and your veterinarian immediately. The crayon could be deadly and your dog will need treatment immediately. Whether the crayon is toxic or not, always report it to your veterinarians Louisville, CO.

Tuesday 1 October 2019

Teaching Your Mouse to Stand Up and Beg

Teaching your mouse to stand up and beg is a fun trick to work on as you bond with him. Ensure that your mouse is comfortable being handled. Then use food treats to lure him into a position where it appears that he is standing up and begging. Plain unsweetened oat loop cereal makes a good training treat. Hold the treat in front of your mouse and then slowly raise it above his head. Say the UP command as your mouse begins to stand up and reach for the treat. Once your mouse approximates standing up, give him the treat. As your mouse reliably follows this training sequence, increase the time he is standing before you give your mouse the treat. This will help it appear as if your mouse is holding a begging posture. Keep training sessions short – no more than a half hour at a time. Take your time and be patient. Contact your vet clinic Columbia, MD to learn more.

Visit the given link to know more:

How to Teach Your Cat to Use a Litter Box

Whether you’re teaching a kitten, middle aged cat or a senior, teaching them to use a litter box can be done it just takes repetition. For kittens, place them in the litter box every hour or two hours to relieve herself. Keep the kitten with her mother long enough that she can see that the mother uses a litter box. Kittens learn a lot of skills from the mother. For middle aged cats or seniors, take them to the litter box every couple of hours. If they start to go in the house, immediately place them in the litter box. If they have an accident outside of the litter box, take some of the potty and put it in the litter box and then place your cat in the litter box. The smell can help her learn that she needs to go in the box. Read here for more suggestions or consult with your vet clinic Lakeville, MN.

Creating a comfortable place for your cat to rest

You have a cat in your life who you love dearly. How can you create a comfortable place for her to rest in?

Your little fur ball needs to be able to feel at ease in your care in order to get the sleep her body requires, so take the time to think about your living space and where she will likely be the most comfortable. This will probably be near family members but off to the side of all the action in your home. Offer her a bed of her own in this area and let others know that when she heads to this space she will likely need some uninterrupted rest. Make sure this area will be kept at a constant temperature and is away from loud appliances or other disturbances. For more information, please contact your local veterinarians Marietta, GA or click here.

Canine chew toy basics

You have a dog in your life who needs to be able to chew on things from time to time. Why is this and what can you offer her to satisfy this urge?

Chewing allows your pet to enjoy the feeling of having something in her mouth, which allows her to utilize multiple senses. It can ease teething pain and generally help her pass the time. It can also help her explore the world around her by getting to know an item up close and personally. Luckily, there are a lot of chew toys on the market that you can offer your pet in order to give her a safe way to take part in this behavior without destroying any of your property. Your local vet Oshawa, ON can help you offer your pet a wonderful place to call home.