Preservatives are a common ingredient in pet food products.
These ingredients keep these products fresh and prolong their shelf-life.
However, there are preservatives that have been linked to adverse reactions and
health issues in pets. Pet owners should know which preservatives won’t have
negative effects on cats and which ones can cause harm. Preservatives in pet food can be natural or
Natural preservatives
Common natural preservatives that are incorporated in pet
food formulas include citric acid, vitamin E, and vinegar. These substances
help extend the shelf-life of pet food without causing harm to pets.
Synthetic preservatives
BHA (butylated hydroxy anisole) and BHT (butylated
hydroxytoluene) are just two of the many synthetic preservatives that are used
in pet food. Unfortunately, there have been studies that link the use of
synthetic preservatives in pet food to certain health issues in pets.
Consult with your veterinarian Cherry Hill, NJ regarding the best way to meet your pet’s dietary needs.