Monday 29 June 2020

Dogs and Constipation

Is your dog having trouble pooping? Does he appear to be straining to poop, or passing hard and dry stools? These could be signs of constipation. If this goes on for more than a day, please call your vet. Constipation is common in dogs every now and again. Constant or long lasting constipation is not common and should be treated. Symptoms constipation include straining, dry stools, lack of pooping, mucous or blood covered stools, vomiting, lack of appetite, depression and possibly swelling around the anus. Possible causes for constipation may involve swallowed bones, swallowed hair, swallowed foreign objects, excessive fiber in the diet, dehydration, lack of exercise, trauma, stress, change in environment, change in hormones, change in blood potassium or blood thyroid levels, etc. Take note of symptoms and possible causes of constipation in your dog and contact your veterinarian New Orleans, LA for more treatment.

Sunday 28 June 2020

Showing Your Yorkie

If you are looking to compete with your Yorkie in a dog show, then it’s a good idea to decide up front if you’ll be competing on a local, national, or international level. If you’re not familiar with the world of dog showing then local shows will most likely give you the start you need. If your dog is purebred and you are interested in showing in sanctioned shows where points are earned then check into the American Kennel Club (AKC). You and your canine will need to be registered with the club for access to show. Your Yorkie will also need to be at least six months of age to compete. Please note that spayed or neutered dogs are not eligible to compete in confirmation classes. The AKC provides information for first time showers and also offers practice shows when possible. Ask your pet clinic Dutchess County, NY if they know of other shows in your area.

To know more, visit this link:

Signs of Degenerative Myelopathy in Canines

Are you familiar with Degenerative Myelopathy (DM)? This is a serious disease that affects a variety of breeds like the German Shepherd and Corgi. If you notice your canine is having trouble moving about and in particular is having difficulty with his backend, please call your vet. Your dog’s inability to move normally could be a sign of an underlying disease or illness such as DM. DM is an incurable disease of the nerves and spinal cord, which can cause loss of mobility and feeling in the legs. Only your vet can diagnose DM. Symptoms of the disease include a progressive weakness of the hind area, difficulty rising, difficulty jumping, stumbling, knuckling of the toes and dragging of the nails, wearing of the inner toes or the rear paws, and loss of muscle in the rear legs. Although the disease is not as painful, it can cause distress and anxiety in your dog. Please contact your pet clinic Dutchess County, NY to learn more.

Pet sitter basics

You have a furry friend in your life who needs someone to look after her whether you are available to do so or not. What should you know about choosing a pet sitter to find a great option for your little fur ball?

Your pet needs you to understand that there are a lot of ways to meet her needs, but she is a creature of habit and would like to have some familiarity in your absence. Consider potential pet sitters and their ability to consistently give your pet the care she needs, then take the time to determine who you trust the most. This should also be someone your pet is comfortable spending time around to ensure that she will be able to enjoy herself while you are out of town. Your local most recommended veterinary clinic Lewisville TX can offer additional suggestions.

Friday 26 June 2020

Curious cat basics

You have a feline friend in your life who is very eager to explore her surroundings. What should you know about the habits of a curious cat like this in order to help her meet her needs?

Your cat is an intelligent creature who likes to know her surroundings. This helps her to feel at ease within them and allows her to make the most of her time by being aware of what her activity options are. A curious cat will be motivated to get into everything she can, so it’s important to establish firm boundaries. Remember that cats are very agile and they are able to sneak into tight spaces if they are motivated to do so. This will help you to keep her safe, as she might not be aware of what hazards exist within your living space. For additional information, please contact your local veterinarian Lewisville TX.

Thursday 25 June 2020

Your Cat Won't Eat. What Should You Do?

Disastrous consequences can result from going off-food in cats. So whenever your beloved furry feline friend stares at the food bowl more and eats less, you should start to be concerned. Monitor your beloved cat carefully as this could be one of the initial signs of illness. 

Try to encourage your cat to eat a lot more by offering him some canned cat food and see if he obliges. If you think your cat has a loss of appetite that is not due to a health problem, you can try to arouse his appetite by offering him some canned tuna. A lot of cats are unable to resist the meaty allure of canned tuna. Note though, that while canned tuna might be a good lure to stimulate his appetite, you need to offer this in small quantities so you can prevent deficiencies from happening or the excess of specific nutrients in his diet. 

Your pet’s diet is one of the important concerns that you should discuss with your vet Bourne, MA during your pet’s wellness visits.

Do Painted Turtles Sleep?

Are you an owner of a painted turtle? Have you kept a close eye on him to see what kind of sleeping habits he has? Painted turtles are fresh water turtles that enjoy living in warm temperatures. In the wild they often stay in marshes, lakes, creeks, streams, etc. The painted turtle loves to sleep under water and often buried in the mud at the bottom of the water for extra comfort and protection. This means that your painted turtle needs to have a warm habitat with plenty of water, dirt, dry areas to sunbathe, and lots of warmth either from direct sunlight or a light in the habitat as recommended by your vet or pet store associate. Turtles like the painted turtle need to have at least 10 to 12 hours of sunlight each day. This helps him sleep more comfortably. For more tips on how to keep your turtle comfy so he sleeps well, give your veterinarian Decorah IA a call.