Good quality dog grooming and maintenance don’t just involve bathing, brushing, or combing your dog's hair. Cutting your dog's nails should be part of his hygiene routine as this not only make him look nice and neat but also alleviates the risk of him hurting you with his claws if they are not properly trimmed.
Keeping your dog's nails short and trimmed will also help reduce the risk of him scratching pieces of furniture or other items around your home. Also, as his nails grow longer, it can cause pain and discomfort as the ingrown nails may go deep inside his nails and paws.
If you are not used to trimming your dog's nails, it is recommended that you bring him to a vet or a professional groomer who can do the job for you. You are also welcome to seek guidance and advice from these professionals in case you would like to trim your dog's nails on your own in the future.
Your vets Burlington, ON is a valuable resource regarding your pet’s health and needs.