Friday, 31 May 2019

Helping your cat enjoy playtime

You have a cat in your life who you love very much and you want to make sure you are able to offer her the best playtime has to offer. How can you help make this happen?

Your little fur ball needs to be able to enjoy herself when it’s time to play, and she will need the appropriate space in order to do this. Think about what you are able to offer her within your home and make sure she has some toys that will work well within your living space. Offer her different options so she can enjoy herself no matter what mood she’s in, and make a point to offer her lots of companionship during this time as well. This will help encourage her to try new things and allow her to socialize in addition to playing. Your local pet clinic Plano, TX can offer additional advice.

Canine grooming needs

You have a dog in your life who needs your help staying well-groomed. How can you make sure your pet will stay looking great?

Your dog will need you to consider all the different grooming needs that he has, and then find ways to meet each of these on a regular basis. He will likely need to be brushed regularly, be bathed from time to time, have his nails clipped, and have his fur trimmed. Some of these will be easier to do on your own than others, so determine what you are comfortable with and seek out assistance for the remaining tasks if it’s needed. Make sure you are vigilant and offering your pet the attention he needs to stay comfortable, as meeting his grooming needs will significantly influence how he is feeling. For additional information, please contact your local veterinarian Frisco, TX.

Thursday, 30 May 2019

Easing Your Dog’s Anxiety in the Clinic Waiting Room

It is so important for your dog to visit your veterinarian regularly. However, just because it is important doesn’t mean your dog wants to visit the vet. Not only is dealing with the veterinary staff stressful, sitting in the waiting room can be stressful too.

Make things a little easier for your pooch by bringing him in a kennel. Place familiar items in the crate with him, like a blanket or a dog toy, while a chew toy can give your pet something to do while he waits for his name to be called.

If you have a large dog, make sure he is on a leash. Avoid bringing treats or toys that other canines may try and snatch away from your pet. If he has a particularly hard time with other animals, ask the receptionist if there’s another room you can wait in.

Call your veterinary clinic Brandon, FL for more advice.