Showing posts with label Cat Care. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cat Care. Show all posts

Saturday 4 January 2020

Treatment for FeLV in Cats Like the Singapura

There is no cure for the Feline Leukemia Virus, however, there are treatment options that can help your FeLV positive Singapura or other breed feline to have a long, quality of life. The first thing to do is have your cat tested for FeLV and to start treatment right away if the cat tests positive. Medication can be given to help suppress the virus and protect the immune system from secondary infections. If your cat develops a secondary infection, treatment will be needed right away to cure the infection and rebuild the immune system to protect it from further infections. Cats that develop lymphoma and other cancers from FeLV may need chemotherapy to lengthen their quality of life. Treatment can provide your cat with comfort and quality of life in some cases. Learn more about treatment options by calling your professional animal hospital Rochester NY.

The FeLV Virus in the Singapura

Did you know that the FeLV virus stands for the Feline Leukemia Virus and that it can affect cats of all breeds including the Singapura breed? The FeLV virus is the second leading cause of death in cats. The number one cause of death in cats is trauma. Talk to your vet about FeLV and how to protect your cat from the disease. You should also ask for your cat to be tested. FeLV tests should be run on an annual basis or at annual vet exams. The FeLV virus has been known to cause anemia or lymphoma. Another huge thing to be concerned about is the fact that is suppresses the immune system making a cat highly susceptible to deadly infections. Vaccinated cats have a stronger chance to resist the FeLV infection or to overcome it on their own. FeLV is transmitted through saliva and bodily fluids. Talk to your vet Rochester NY to learn more.

Saturday 28 December 2019

Eyelid Lacerations in Cats

Have you ever noticed that cats like to crawl or squeeze into small spaces? They often get themselves into tight situations and return home with some kind of injury. Eye injuries are actually pretty common. Eyelid lacerations involve the tear or rip of the eyelid. This can look pretty bad, but eyelid lacerations are pretty common and easy to fix. A quick visit to the vet can ease your fears. Your vet can examine the eye and make a quick diagnosis and treatment recommendations. If you ever notice something wrong with your cat’s eye, please call your vet. It could be simple or it could be something that needs immediate attention. No matter the type of injury, please do not try to self treat. You don’t want to make a small injury into something worse. If you’re ever in doubt just give your vet Lake Orion MI a call.

Wednesday 11 December 2019

Keeping your cat well-groomed

Your cat likely spends a lot of time tending to her grooming needs, but this doesn’t mean she will be able to handle everything on her own. In fact, she is likely to need quite a bit of your help in order to stay well-groomed.

Your furry friend is a wonderful companion and you know that looking her best can also help her stay comfortable. To keep her looking and feeling great, you will have to pay close attention to her needs. This means making a point to brush her often and to take note of when and where her efforts will need to be assisted by you. Make a point to tend to her needs as they arise, as this will help you keep track of her care needs in the present and help you anticipate them in the future. Your local veterinarians New Orleans, LA can offer additional advice. Set an appointment here:

Thursday 28 November 2019

Keeping your cat’s litter box clean

Your act needs a litter box in order to meet her needs in your home and you want this area to be kept to her liking. How can you make sure it is clean for her?
Your pet needs you to take the time to check over her litter box on a daily basis. This will mean making sure you give her plenty of space to use it and make sure you utilize a litter that is to her liking. Check it over at least once a day and remove anything she has deposited into her litter box, then take the time to clean it out thoroughly as needed. This will mean making sure your pet’s litter box is completely sanitized and new litter is offered to her. Your local animal hospital Washington DC can help you care for your pet. Click here for additional information.

Tuesday 26 November 2019

Including your cat in family activities

Your cat is a big part of your life and you want to make sure she feels like a member of your family. This means that you will need to take the time to figure out what your little fur ball needs in order to include her in family activities.

To make sure your feline friend is able to interact with your family often, you will need to make sure you are taking the time to take part in pet-friendly activities. This means that your little fur ball needs you to take the time to figure out what is needed in order to help her enjoy herself in your care as well as what you can do to teach other family members about her needs and preferences. The more you are around one another, the easier it will be to identify activities you can take part in together. Your local reputed veterinarians London, ON can offer additional advice.

Monday 11 November 2019

Weaning Kittens

Kittens require a lot of care. If you’re knew to caring for kittens then talk with your vet to learn the best way to handle and feed the kittens and discuss a weaning schedule as well. Weaning is an important part of the process of preparing a kitten for his new home. Basically, weaning is the process of transitioning your kitten from mama cat’s milk or bottle fed milk to solid food. Your vet may suggest that the weaning process of your kittens began at around four weeks of age. Your kitten will most likely let you know she’s ready when she starts exploring her mother’s food and tries to nibble on it on her own. The mother cat should start the process of weaning from milk on her own. For orphans, you may need to start the weaning process around the third or fourth week of age. Talk to your veterinary clinic Cameron Park, CA for tips and assistance.

Thursday 10 October 2019

How Do Cats Become Infected With Feline Panleukopenia?

Feline leukopenia (FP) is also called feline parvo or feline distemper. It is a highly contagious disease which is caused by a virus that target rapidly growing and dividing cells in the cats intestines, bone marrow, and in a developing fetus. Because of the ubiquitous nature of the virus, cats of all ages are exposed to the pathogen at a certain point in their lives. But young kittens, cats that are unvaccinated, and ill cats are the most susceptible. Cases of FP is higher in 3-5 month old cats with high mortality rates.

The virus is shed in the urine, stool, and nasal secretions of infected cats. The infection can be acquired when susceptible cats are exposed to the contaminated body secretions. Fleas from infected cats are also capable of transmitting the infection.

Consult with your professionalveterinarian Oconomowoc, WI about the best way to protect your pet against infection.