Showing posts with label Dog Care. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dog Care. Show all posts

Tuesday 5 November 2019

UTI Infections in Dogs

Did you know that a dog can get a UTI just like people? A UTI stands for a Urinary Tract Infection. Your vet can tell you that symptoms of a UTI and dogs may include the inability to urinate or passing small amounts at a time, blood in the urine, leaking of urine, frequent urination, increased water consumption, and fever. Please notify your vet right away if your dog has these symptoms. You will either be instructed to set up an appointment or asked to go into the vet office right away. A diagnosis is often made with a urinalysis and blood work. Treatment may include antibiotics, diet change, and even surgery. If your dog is prone to UTIs then talk with your vet about a specific diet and exercise routine to help prevent them. Your professional animal hospital London, ON can tell you UTIs are most common in older dogs and those with diabetes.

Monday 14 October 2019

Does My Dog Need a Coat in the Colder Months?

The short answer is no your dog does not need an additional coat in the colder months of the year. Your dog should be fine with his natural coat and living in the warm indoors. However, your dog’s living environment and hair cut may determine whether he actually needs a coat or not. For instance, if your dog is shaved or trimmed short then he may not have the natural coat he needs to keep warm. In this case, you may need to supplement a coat by providing him one from the pet store. If your dog has a thinning coat then he may need to wear an extra coat to stay warm. Older dogs may need additional coats to provide more body heat. If your dog lives outdoors make sure you provide a coat, blankets, and a warm shelter. For more details, call your local vet clinic Portage, MI.

Monday 7 October 2019

Your dog and treats

Your dog loves to munch on just about anything he can get his paws on and you want to make sure he feels satisfied with his food. However, you know that some treats can be a bit unhealthy for him. How can you offer him something to eat between meals without going overboard?

Your pet needs you to understand that treats can be a great way to show your pet that you’re thinking about him and can be helpful during training exercises. However, they can also fill your pet up with empty calories. Choose treats that will nourish your pet. Make sure they are packed with whole-food ingredients and go out of your way to give your little fur ball an appropriately sized portion. Your local vet Des Moines, IA can help you offer your pet a wonderful place to call home.

Visit the given link to know more:

Tuesday 1 October 2019

Canine chew toy basics

You have a dog in your life who needs to be able to chew on things from time to time. Why is this and what can you offer her to satisfy this urge?

Chewing allows your pet to enjoy the feeling of having something in her mouth, which allows her to utilize multiple senses. It can ease teething pain and generally help her pass the time. It can also help her explore the world around her by getting to know an item up close and personally. Luckily, there are a lot of chew toys on the market that you can offer your pet in order to give her a safe way to take part in this behavior without destroying any of your property. Your local vet Oshawa, ON can help you offer your pet a wonderful place to call home.

Monday 30 September 2019

Dachshunds and Back Injuries

The Dachshund breed of canine is such a fun breed. These pint size dogs have big ears, long bodies, short legs, long tails and big personalities. They don’t realize they’re small and often times try to do things that big dogs do including jump on and off furniture and play with children. What’s wrong with these two common canine activities? Nothing if it were another breed. The Dachshund, however, is an exception. Because of his long body the Dachshund is prone to different back pains and injuries. Playing with children when supervised is fine, but not unsupervised. If a child tries to pick up the Dachshund without support the irregularly long back of the dog then there is risk the dogs back could be injured or even break. The same for furniture, if he misses when jumping on or jumps off too hard he could severely injure his back. Read more here or call your local  pet clinic Riverbend, ON.

Friday 27 September 2019

Should you hire a dog walker?

You have a dog in your life who seems to want to be outside at all times. This makes you wonder – should you hire a dog walker?

Your dog needs to head outside for a walk each day and she likely looks forward to this. She needs to be able to rest and relax in your care, but heading outdoors is really a necessity as well since it gives her a lot of sensory information to process. Hiring a dog walker can be helpful as it will allow your pet to head out and about while you are otherwise occupied. If you can find someone you trust to bring your pet out when you are unable to do it, it could enhance your pet’s life a bit. Your reputed animal hospital London, ON can help you care for your pet. Click here for additional information.