Showing posts with label Pet Care. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pet Care. Show all posts

Tuesday 15 October 2019

Heat Lights For Snakes

As for heat lights, their use depends on the specific temperature requirements of the snake. The use of heating pads alone is not ideal because it can be difficult to maintain and monitor the stability of the temperature inside the enclosure. Using heat lights help ensure that there is measurable ambient temperature inside the enclosure. It is recommended to install 2 separate heat lights, each set on a 12-hour cycle. The heat light with the white light is turned on during the day, while the red or purple light is used at night. Nocturnal species of snakes benefit from having a natural day/night cycle. Without it, the snake can suffer from stress and stop eating.

Since reptiles require a temperature gradient inside their enclosure, you can install incandescent heat bulbs in a variety of wattages to create the right environment for your pet snake.

Your professionalveterinarian Dallas, GA is a valuable source of information when it comes to your pet’s health and well-being.

Wednesday 9 October 2019

Ways Heartworms are Transmitted

Heartworm disease is a dangerous disease that is potentially fatal to both dogs and cats along with other pets like ferrets. So how does heartworm disease find its way to dogs and cats? Heartworms are primarily transmitted via mosquitoes. A mosquito that bites an infected host picks up the heartworm larvae when it sucks the blood of the infected host. The mosquito then deposits the larvae in the next animal it bites. The larvae than travel throughout the bloodstream of the newly bitten animal. It can take anywhere from 10 to 14 days for the larvae to enter the infectious stage although it take a full 6 months for the larvae to mature. Heartworms have been known to live 2 to 3 years in cats. The heartworms are hard to treat and require aggressive veterinarian care. For more information, consult with your vet clinic Bolingbrook, IL. Visit the given link to know more:

Tuesday 8 October 2019

Pet Turtles

Did you know that you can own a turtle as a pet? Some states, cities, towns or regions may have restrictions on what type of turtles you can on and some may even place restrictions that prevent people from owning turtles at all. If you want a pet turtle, make sure you check first to make sure you can have a turtle as a pet. You can find a pet turtle at pet stores and through breeders. One of the most common pet turtles is the Red Eared Slider. This turtle is popular for first time pet owners as well. The Red Eared Slider is an easy keeper. He requires a regular sized turtle habitat with greenery, water, and dirt. He eats pellet turtle food and also crickets, minnows and super worms all of which you can find at local pet stores or specialty reptilian stores. Talk to your veterinarian North Phoenix, AZ to learn more. Visit the given link to know more:

Friday 13 September 2019

Gerbil food basics

You have a wonderful gerbil in your life and you want to make sure you are able to offer her a happy life filled with healthy habits. How can you make sure she is eating the best food she can?

Your job as a pet owner is to try your best to understand your pet’s needs and then to go out of your way to meet them. This means taking the time to determine what your gerbil needs for nutrients and then matching these up with foods that can offer them to her. This will also mean making sure you are offering her a reasonable amount of food at each sitting in addition to keeping things within her range of preferences. Your local vet clinic Fort Collins, CO can help you care for your pet. Click here for additional information.

Thursday 12 September 2019

Looking after a lizard

You have been looking into the different lizard options that are out there and you have put a lot of thought into bringing a pet like this into your life. What should you know about looking after a pet like this before deciding to officially add one to your family?

It’s important to remember that there are a lot of different lizards out there and only some of them will be suitable to share your home with. Some will need more care than you can offer and others may be able to thrive in your living space. All of these animals will require daily care, a space to call their own, and lots of love. This means that you will need to be aware of the ideal care for the specific pet you are planning to bring home and ensure that you can keep up with these. For additional information, please contact your local veterinarian Anderson, IN. Visit this website for more information.

Tuesday 10 September 2019

What to look for when choosing pet supplies

You have decided to choose a few pet supply items for your little fur ball and you want to make an effort to seek out the best options for her. What should you look for when shopping for pet supplies?

Your pet is an individual and it’s important that you think about her personal preferences. This means making sure you are able to bring home pet supplies that will help her meet her needs and have some fun, while also taking her safety into account. Make sure the pet supplies you bring home are intended to be used in the manner you plan on utilizing them and that you offer your little fur ball items that she will be able to use with relative ease. Consider their durability and the cost as well so you can make the most of your pet care budget. Your local  vet Newmarket, ON can offer additional suggestions.