Wednesday, 9 October 2019

Choosing feline friendly house plants

There are lots of ways you can help your cat stay safe in your care, and being aware of potential hazards can go a long way in learning about her needs. This means taking the time to figure out what you should avoid in your home, like toxic or hazardous plants.

Your little fur ball needs to be able to move throughout your home without any issues, and this means that you will be taking the time to offer her some space to herself. She will thoroughly explore this area and this can cause her to knock plants over and pull them off shelving. Some plants are more harmful than others, and some areas may not be able to safely house a plant. Be mindful of this when looking into potential houseplants as you may need to pass by an option that could cause some trouble for your feline companion. For more information, please contact your veterinarians Green Bay, WI.

Furry feline friends

Sharing your life with a cat means that you are there to offer her assistance in a variety of ways. Your pet is probably going to need some help when it comes to grooming. How can you make sure your furry friend is getting what she needs?

Your cat needs your help to determine the ideal ways to upkeep her coat. She may not know what nutrients are necessary in order to help her grow strong, healthy fur, but you can take the time to offer these to her. You can also make sure you brush her regularly with a brush that will work well for her fur type. Longhaired cats will need more attention than their shorthaired counterparts, and some pet owners will have their fur trimmed so it’s easier to care for at home. Your local reputed veterinarian Crown Point, IN can help you care for your pet. Click here for additional information.

Ways Heartworms are Transmitted

Heartworm disease is a dangerous disease that is potentially fatal to both dogs and cats along with other pets like ferrets. So how does heartworm disease find its way to dogs and cats? Heartworms are primarily transmitted via mosquitoes. A mosquito that bites an infected host picks up the heartworm larvae when it sucks the blood of the infected host. The mosquito then deposits the larvae in the next animal it bites. The larvae than travel throughout the bloodstream of the newly bitten animal. It can take anywhere from 10 to 14 days for the larvae to enter the infectious stage although it take a full 6 months for the larvae to mature. Heartworms have been known to live 2 to 3 years in cats. The heartworms are hard to treat and require aggressive veterinarian care. For more information, consult with your vet clinic Bolingbrook, IL. Visit the given link to know more:

Tuesday, 8 October 2019

How to Hydrate your Cat

Looking for ways to encourage your cat to drink more water? Here are a few tips to help you out. First, make sure your cat has enough water bowls available throughout the home. If there are multiple levels then consider having a bowl on each level. If this still doesn’t entice your cat to drink more then try setting up a cat water fountain. The fountain keeps the water moving which attract a cat and entice her to drink. You can also start adding warm water to your cat’s dry food to help increase water intake. Feeding wet or canned food is also helpful. You could even add warm water to the canned food to double the water intake. If our cat is still not drinking very much then you should definitely call your veterinarians Newmarket, ON and schedule an exam.

Pet Turtles

Did you know that you can own a turtle as a pet? Some states, cities, towns or regions may have restrictions on what type of turtles you can on and some may even place restrictions that prevent people from owning turtles at all. If you want a pet turtle, make sure you check first to make sure you can have a turtle as a pet. You can find a pet turtle at pet stores and through breeders. One of the most common pet turtles is the Red Eared Slider. This turtle is popular for first time pet owners as well. The Red Eared Slider is an easy keeper. He requires a regular sized turtle habitat with greenery, water, and dirt. He eats pellet turtle food and also crickets, minnows and super worms all of which you can find at local pet stores or specialty reptilian stores. Talk to your veterinarian North Phoenix, AZ to learn more. Visit the given link to know more:

Monday, 7 October 2019

Your dog and treats

Your dog loves to munch on just about anything he can get his paws on and you want to make sure he feels satisfied with his food. However, you know that some treats can be a bit unhealthy for him. How can you offer him something to eat between meals without going overboard?

Your pet needs you to understand that treats can be a great way to show your pet that you’re thinking about him and can be helpful during training exercises. However, they can also fill your pet up with empty calories. Choose treats that will nourish your pet. Make sure they are packed with whole-food ingredients and go out of your way to give your little fur ball an appropriately sized portion. Your local vet Des Moines, IA can help you offer your pet a wonderful place to call home.

Visit the given link to know more:

How to Desensitize your Puppy

What does it mean to desensitize your puppy? Basically, desensitizing your puppy is the process of getting him accustomed to coming into contact with different things so that he has no reaction or reacts appropriately. For instance, if your puppy is going to come in contact with cats on a daily basis then you’ll want to desensitize him by introducing him to cats, teaching him how to react, and continually expose him to cats until he learns not to bark or chase cats but instead ignore them or get along with them. Other things to desensitize your puppy from include loud noises (i.e. fireworks or gun shots…if you are around them a lot), the mailman, other loud dogs, cars, etc. If you need help, contact your local dog trainer or call your pet store and ask for trainer referrals. Read more here or call your vet clinic Las Vegas, NV.