The irritated, moist, and red lesions are usually seen on the dog’s chest, hip, or head area are known as hot spots. They can be painful for your pet. These hot spots can get started by anything that could irritate the dog’s skin, causing him to lick or scratch himself. Flea, mite, or insect bites, as well as allergic reactions, improper grooming, underlying skin or ear infections, and incessant chewing and licking brought about by boredom or stress can cause that irritation in the first place.
If your dog is not regularly groomed and begins to sport a dirty matted coat, he can have a higher risk of having hot spots, as are dogs that get rained on often and those who swim. In addition, pet dogs that have anal sac issues or hip dysplasia might start licking their skin in the rear end. Dog breeds that have long hair and thick coats are the ones usually affected.
These hot spots can grow at a rapid rate inside of a short timeframe as a dog will scratch, lick, and chew the affected area, making it more irritated.
Any sign of skin and/or hair coat issue exhibited by your pet should prompt a visit to your pet clinic Lewisville, TX. Visit their website Riverchase Animal Hospital to learn more about their services.