Wednesday, 7 July 2021

Pet Grooming Essentials


Matted hair coats can cause your pet pain because it causes the animal’s skin to get pulled and pinched. You will have to regularly comb and brush your pet’s fur. Dog breeds with long hair require combing to detangle hair and dogs breeds with short hair could be brushed to deal with dead skin and stimulate skin oil production bringing back the shine. A dog that has loose floppy ears might do good with being cleaned regularly in order to take care of accumulated wax. Their skin folds will require regular cleaning with wipes specifically formulated for canine skin.


Your pet’s teeth also require cleaning as a part of pet hygiene. Set aside time and gather up some patience when starting your pet to get used to a regular brushing routine. This will pay off because keeping your pet’s teeth and gums healthy and clean is important. It is definitely worth it because having infected gums could negatively impact your pet’s health. Use pet-friendly toothpaste specifically formulated for dogs and cats because their teeth enamel is different from a human’s as it is softer. Pets also cannot rinse their mouths and spit, therefore human toothpaste might result in gastrointestinal upsets if they do swallow it.

Any sign of a tooth and gum problem should prompt a visit to your animal hospital Ellicott City, MD. Read more here.

Importance Of Wellness Checks In Pet Cats


Cats are stoic animals. They should visit the veterinarian once a year, even if they appear to be in good condition. In cats, bodily changes may not be noticeable to pet owners. As such, annual vet visits, also known as wellness checks, can help prevent potentially catastrophic illnesses.

Wellness exams provide possibilities for early detection. Cats are excellent at disguising any indications of discomfort, suffering, or sickness. Without wellness checkups, underlying health concerns may worsen. In addition, early detection of diseases saves pet owners from spending money on costly treatment.

Keep your pet's immunizations up to date. Vaccines are a form of prevention and safeguard your pet from illnesses and various types of infection. For instance, vaccines protect your pet from diseases caused by flea and tick bites.

Regular trips to your animal clinic Brampton, ON will familiarize your cat with the environment and the personnel, making each visit less traumatic for your pet. Click here to know more.

Tuesday, 6 July 2021

Dehydration And Heat Stroke In Pet Rats


Hot climates could become unbearable for your pet rat, most especially if the temperature goes beyond 25C.  Rats become likely to suffer from dehydration and heatstroke.  There are signs that your pet rat has heatstroke like a sticky discharge coming from its mouth, lethargy, hot tail, and ears, drooling, and panting.  Your pet might also refuse to eat.  Here are some urgent relief procedures that you can employ to manage dehydration and heatstroke if your pet rat is experiencing such.  But immediate medical care is needed if your pet is having a heatstroke.

You must always ensure that your pet has access to fresh clean water to drink.  This is because they are likely to take in more water if the weather becomes hotter than normal.  You might also want to cool the drinking water by adding ice cubes.  This relieves your pet and lowers its overall body temperature.  Your pet’s cage must also be relocated in a shaded and cooler portion of your home and covered with some wet towels.

Any sign of illness exhibited by your pet should require an appointment with your veterinary hospital Lexington, KY.

Mixed Signals During Training Could Confuse Your Pet Dog


When training your pet dog, you must give him cues at specific times. Giving your dog too many commands can just confuse him. Repeating commands or cues when training your pet will only result in him realizing that you have to give the command repeatedly before he can respond. Note your body language as well because it could confuse your pet too. Dogs are quite perceptive when it comes to their human companion’s body language and behaviors. So your pet will be focused on your gestures and movements as opposed to verbal instructions. Be aware of your movements and be sure you are consistent when giving your pet a command or cue. To prevent confusion, first, teach your pet the behavior wanted with positive reinforcement, after which you can insert the command or cue. Say the command only once, then wait. Dog training requires patience. Let your dog respond for one or two minutes. If it looks like he is confused or does not perform the action you wanted, you will need to try and practice this behavior more prior to inserting that verbal cue.

A sudden change in your pet’s behavior should warrant a call to your animal clinic Marietta, GA. Click here to set an appointment.

How To Manage Heartworm Infestation In Dogs


Heartworms primarily infect dogs. These parasites enter the body through mosquito bites. A mosquito carries the heartworm larvae as it gets nourishment from an infected dog. Eventually, the larvae will be carried to a healthy dog when the mosquito bites on the next animal.

The mosquito will release a large number of larvae in the animal's bloodstream. If the dog has heartworm prevention medication, the larvae will die as soon as they enter the bloodstream. But the dog has no heartworm protection, the larvae will grow in the body until they become strong enough to withstand any medications. Eventually, heartworm larvae proceed toward the heart chamber and blood vessels until adulthood. In turn, these heartworms will create larvae and be carried by mosquitoes.

Dogs with heartworms may start to cough and develop pot-belly. They also begin to lose weight. Heartworm infestation is a serious concern because it can lead to death. Several dogs have died even if they look healthy.

Your veterinarians Marietta, GA is a valuable resource when it comes to your pet’s health and needs.

Protecting Your Pet From Fleas

To prevent flea infestation, you need to have a year-round flea control program. Aside from your pet, you should also include your pet’s immediate environment in the flea protection program. When there are fleas on your pet’s body, there will be fleas all over your house as well. Even if you have removed all the fleas on your pet, eggs, and larvae are still developing in your home, and they are sure to affect your pet again as soon as they mature. 

Thorough cleaning of the house is an effective way of getting rid of fleas. Vacuum the floors, furniture, and corners around the house because these are known hiding places of fleas, especially the eggs and larvae. In case your pet has a heavy flea infestation, you can hire a professional exterminator to help eradicate these pests from your home. 

Consult your professional vet clinic Kerrville TX about the best way to protect your pet from fleas and other parasites.

Is Your Cat At Risk for Heartworms?


Yes! You should always assume that your cat and all cats in general are at risk for heartworm disease. Whether you own a Manx or an American Wirehair, your cat can be vulnerable to heartworm disease. Heartworms can come is different sizes and are capable of invading the heart, lungs and blood vessels of your American Wirehair. The disease is transmitted through mosquitoes. Some cat owners believe regions of the U.S. are more prone to heartworms than others and may not see a reason to protect their cat. Heartworm disease; however, has been diagnosed in all 50 states. It should be assumed that the risk is present everywhere. The best way to protect your bobtail is to have her tested yearly for heartworms as well as place her on a monthly heartworm preventive program. If you’re not sure if your cat is already on a prevention program, please call your vets Lakewood Ranch, FL.