Thursday, 7 July 2022

Dog Grooming Basics: Basic Grooming vs. Full Grooming


Can’t decide what your canine companion needs? Let us compare the difference between basic grooming and full grooming. 

Basic Grooming – This is essential for all dogs to keep them clean and healthy. This usually includes the following services:

  • Paw pad shaving

  • Nail clipping/grinding

  • Eye and ear cleaning/plucking  

  • Anal gland cleaning

  • Sanitary trim/shaving (anal fur, underbelly)

  • Bath (with shampoo and blow-dry)

Full Grooming – will include all the basic grooming routines plus trimming/cutting of hair according to pet parent’s request or specifications. This is recommended for dogs that need a haircut and detangling or removing matted hair. 

Some key points to remember about grooming:

  • Not all dog breeds require full grooming such as pugs or beagles. 

  • Full grooming is recommended once every four to six weeks. 

  • Brushing and combing your dog’s hair should be part of your dog’s routine as it is an essential part of pet care.

  • If your pet has allergies that affect his coat or skin, you may need to adjust how often you have him brought for grooming. 

If you notice any signs of infection, parasites, and other skin and hair coat problems, it is a good idea to make an appointment with your animal hospital Metairie, LA so your pet can undergo a thorough checkup.

Tuesday, 5 July 2022

What Makes Cats Skittish?


A common reason for a cat's ambivalence towards humans is past trauma. Someone must have mistreated the poor feline if its first response to an approaching person is to hide or runoff. Not everyone is inclined to take good care of themselves, let alone another living thing. Of course, it's also possible that the cat had never relied on anyone before and is wary.

If you're dealing with a wild cat who often visits your backyard but never gets close enough to touch, there are a few things you can try to earn its trust. It requires a lot of patience because one of the first things you need to give a stray cat is time.

For now, continue your efforts to get the little furball comfortable with your presence. Don't try to pet it the first time you see it because the cat will interpret that as aggression. Just be there, offer the cat treats and toys, and don't make sudden movements.

Don't get excited if the cat decides to explore a little and tries to get closer to you. Freaking out would only scare the thing more, and you'll be back to square one. 

If you have any questions or concerns about your pet’s behavior,  don’t hesitate to contact your cat care center Rochester, NY.

What To Do When Your Cat Has Been Bitten By A Snake


Do your cats love to go outside? Do they enjoy the outdoors most of the time? When they do, ensure that they are all safe and secure from any harm that may come their way. One thing that can be a potential risk to your cats is a snake.

Are you aware of the things you must do when your cats get bitten by one? If not, here are what you must follow:

  • Bring your cat to the vet immediately to have the bite checked.
  • Before going to the clinic, keep the wound under the heart level. Doing so will ensure that the blood flow still does not spread the venom.
  • Inform your vet of the kind of snake that bit your cat.
  • Contact the Animal Control Center to capture the snake for your and your pets’ safety.
  • Keep your cat calm when you are on your way to the pet clinic Webster, NY.

Tuesday, 28 June 2022

What Is The Difference Between Urine Spraying And Inappropriate Urination In Cats?


Animals use different ways to communicate or “talk” with other animals, fellow cats, and humans. The list of their communication methods includes scratching visual signals, and urine spraying. 

Yes, you have read that right. Cats use their urine to spread and release their marking signal or scent. These marks indicate meanings and messages for other felines. However, other cats deposit urine not to send messages but to release their full bladder. 

How can you tell that your cat deposits urine for instant bladder relief? When your cat squats, releases a certain amount of urine on a horizontal surface and then scratches the area surrounding where she urinated. Cats normally deposit urine inappropriately in sinks, baths, settees, carpets, and duvets.

How can you tell that your cat sprays urine as a form of marking signal? Your cat stands with a treading motion, shakes its tail, then releases a small amount of urine. Cats spray urine on windows, doors, flaps, and curtains.

If your pet’s spray marking behavior bothers you, it is a good idea to talk to your vet Lakewood Ranch, FL about it.



The smart, loyal, and gentle Bernedoodle get their best characteristics from their parents— Poodles and Bernese Mountain dogs. Bernedoodles— or Bernese Mountain Poos— aren't made for dog shows. Instead, these dogs excel at being affectionate companions for active dog parents and children.

These companion dogs got their intelligence from Poodles and their goofiness and charm from Bernese Mountain dogs. Bernedoodles thrive best with their family— including the kids. In addition to that, these dogs are eager to play and cuddle with people.

This breed is relatively new, so it's really difficult to make accurate predictions about them yet. Some may have more similarities with Poodles, while others may be more similar to Bernese dogs. Overall, Bernedoodle enthusiasts love the breed's fun, loving, and intelligent nature. Most of them are also hypoallergenic, making this breed a perfect fit for people with allergies.

If you have concerns about your pet's health and/or behavior, make an appointment with your veterinary clinic Anderson, IN.

Border Collies

Border Collies were originally made to herd sheep in the countryside between England and Scotland. They are notable for their eyes that intensely stare through which they get to control their flocks. These dogs have unlimited energy, working drive, and stamina, which make them excellent herding dogs. Until today, Border Collies are widely used in herding sheep on many ranches and farms.

Border Collies are smart and highly trainable. They do well in canine sports such as flyball, obedience, tracking, agility, and flying disc. Border Collies are great for the family as long as they receive enough mental and physical stimulation. If you're planning to get a Border Collie, be sure you can manage a dog that may outsmart you sometimes. These dogs make loving, smart, and active companions. So if you want to have a dog like that, Border Collies are perfect for you.

Take a proactive approach to your pet’s health with regular health and wellness checks at your animal medical center Sarasota, FL. Visit the website.

Getting Better Results With Controlled Meals In Pet Cats


It has been observed in several research studies that cats grow well when they are put on controlled diet plans. A pet cat is different from street cats in a way that she does not need to wander around in search of food. 

The life of a pet cat is much more relaxed, it gets to live with humans which alters its lifestyle. A Sedentary life always brings the risk of obesity and your cat may gain some extra weight, more so, if your cat is loving each meal and eating more than required. 

If the cat does not get to spend the energy if she is overeating, it can increase the risk of piling on extra pounds. To prevent this, you can schedule some physical exercises for your cat if you do not want to restrict her feeding.

A diet with calculated calories can also reduce the risk of obesity in your pet cat. You can also ask your veterinarian Middletown, DE for help in creating a complete and balanced diet for your pet.