Cavalier Spaniels are naturally human companions, but these dogs are still bearing their ancestors' sporty nature. Aside from being petted and spending time with their owners, you'll often see a Cavalier flushing a bird and retrieving it.
Cavalier Spaniels are among the largest dogs that belong to the toy breed. These athletic sporting dogs love to hike, run, and do dog sports— including flyball, rally, and even agility. Some Cavaliers have even managed to showcase their breed's hunting skills. Meanwhile, those who are more inclined to a quiet, restful life often excel as therapy dogs and family companions.
Cavalier Spaniels are gorgeous little dogs who are famous for their tail-wagging behavior— they're even one of the breeds that are often titled the top tail-wagger. You may often see a Cavalier's tail moving as the dog moves. This is among the traits that the breeders want to attain in their practice.
Take your pet to your animal hospital Tampa, FL for regular health and dental checks.