If you have always been a cat lover and a fur parent for a few years now, you already know that these animals are obligate carnivores. This condition implies that cats need meat in their daily meal so they can thrive and survive the day’s challenges.
But being obligate carnivores does not mean that felines cannot eat other healthy food items like vegetables and fruits. There are veggies and fruits rich in fiber that support gut health. Experts say that these items are much better than store-bought snacks or treats for your feline. Just be reminded not to add any seasonings to the veggies and fruits like sugar, oil, or salt to prevent intoxicating your cat.
Which veggies and fruits can you give
your cat? Here are some:
Bananas. This fruit contains vitamins
B6 and C, magnesium, and potassium.
Zucchini. This can be served cooked
or raw. Just remember not to add any seasoning.
Apples. Your cat will love this yummy
treat. Just remember to remove the seeds.
Sweet potato. This item contains good
amounts of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, calcium, and iron. It can be
served boiled, steamed, or baked.
● Beans. This treat is rich in fiber and protein. Cooked beans are good for cats.
Know more about your pet’s
nutritional needs during your pet’s health and wellness visits
to your veterinary clinic San Antonio, TX.