Thursday, 12 January 2023

Choosing A Pet Sitter For Exotics

Are you traveling this month? If you have an exotic pet, you may find it difficult to find someone to look after them while you’re away. A kennel is your best bet, but not all boarding facilities accept exotics. If your pet is small enough, you may want to have a friend or family member keep them at their place. However, you’d want to go over yourself to get their temporary home set up. If possible, have them spend time at your home as well, observing how you care for your pet.

We would also recommend dividing out the food and labeling it per day for the days you’ll be gone. Aside from that, it may be helpful to leave some printed information, such as signs of illness to look for, general do’s and don’ts, cleaning instructions, and, of course, the number for your veterinarian.

Be sure to pack a few days’ extra worth of food, treats, and medicine, just in case you’re delayed.

If you have questions about caring for an exotic pet, contact your vets Dallas, GA.

How Often Does a Bearded Dragon Need to Go to the Vet?

Having a bearded dragon is a lot of fun. They're cute, they're cuddly, and they're pretty easy to take care of. But as sturdy as your little fella may look, he still needs to see the vet on a regular basis. 

So, how often should a bearded dragon go to the vet? Every six to 12 months. 

Why? This is because, as hardy, as they are, bearded dragons are still delicate reptiles that need to be cared for properly. 

They're also prone to a number of health issues, including: 

       Respiratory infections (such as pneumonia)

       Metabolic bone disease (a nutritional disorder that affects the bones)

       Digestive disorders (like constipation)

       Heartworms or parasites 

And too, if you happen to notice any of these symptoms in your bearded dragon in between his regular checkups, then it's time for another visit: 


       Loss of appetite or weight loss (for an adult)

       Diarrhea or constipation (for an adult)

       Excessive mucus discharge from eyes or nose

       Inability to move smoothly when walking around 

If you have more questions or wish to schedule your little reptile companion for a checkup, please feel free to call us, your local veterinarians Dallas, GA today!

Wednesday, 11 January 2023

Keep Your Cat Healthy With Spay Or Neuter

Spaying or neutering can reduce the chances of reproductive diseases developing in cats and prevent further increases in pet overpopulation. Female cats benefit from spaying because ovarian cancers, breast tumors, and uterine infections are avoided. Male cats would also avoid several prostate issues and testicular cancer, and getting neutered would reduce the need to roam or mark territories.

To figure out the best option for your cat, you can consult a veterinarian for a better understanding of the process and all the benefits that could come with it. But you would have to make sure to find the right veterinarian for your beloved pet. Some vets are more knowledgeable about taking care of dogs or other pets, but cats have different needs. You can do your research and consult with the American Association of Feline Practitioners to find the best vet for your pet.

If you have questions and/or concerns about neutering or spaying, don’t hesitate to ask your veterinarian in New Orleans, LA. Click here.

Health And Safety Tips For Camping With Your Dog

When preparing for a camping activity with your dog, you must make sure that he will be as comfortable and relaxed as much as possible. You must anticipate the weather and be ready for whatever temperature it could be at the campsite.

Of course, you will have to spend the night camping with your dog and chances are, he will feel cold as the night goes deep. That being said, you will have to be ready with a blanket that will keep him warm throughout the night. You must also provide him with a comfortable sleeping area where he can sleep in a roomy position.

You can bring his favorite bedding, or provide him with a restful sleeping bag so he can get a good night's sleep. You will also have to be alert all the time and make sure he does not wake up in the middle night. If he does, you will have to wake up to prevent him from wandering and going elsewhere.

Your vet New Orleans, LA is a valuable resource when it comes to issues that affect your pet’s health and well-being.

Improving The Quality Of Life Of Arthritic Dogs

Dogs with painful arthritis have a sad existence. The severe discomfort limits their flexibility and hinders them from engaging in and enjoying routine daily activities. Thankfully, there are things you can do to make your arthritic pet's life more comfortable and easier.

  • Heated blankets

Heating pads or blankets relieve aches while encouraging muscle relaxation and stimulating acupuncture sites.

  • A comfy bed

There are dog beds made specifically for dogs with arthritis. These comfy beds are designed in a way that makes it simple for dogs with joint problems to climb into and out. Padding is incorporated into the design of these beds providing support and comfort.

  • Dog Massage

Regular massage lowers blood pressure, eases aching muscles, reduces tension, and increases blood circulation. Spa treatment sessions are a wonderful way to strengthen your relationship with your pet and examine their body for lumps, bumps, and other anomalies.

  • Acupuncture

Acupuncture for animals stimulates the body's natural painkillers and anti-inflammatory compounds to be released.

Your vet Metairie, LA is a valuable resource when it comes to issues that affect your pet’s health and well-being.

Separation Anxiety In Pets

Dogs are very loyal and loving animals, they adore their pet parents the most and would do anything to keep you beside them all the time. They can be too clingy as well, and when they get attached, they may experience separation anxiety.

Separation anxiety is triggered when dogs become sad and frustrated because of separation from their pet parents and caretakers. They may become extremely agitated and would normally show bad behaviors like destruction to get your attention.

Most dogs with separation anxiety will follow you everywhere and you have to train them to get used to being alone at times to prevent this from happening. You may start by creating a safe comfortable space they can stay for their me time. You can also practice him from being separated from you by letting him stay in a separate room. This way, you are training him that it is okay for you to get separated for some time and that you will surely come back for him after.

If you have concerns about your pet's health and/or behavior, make an appointment with your veterinary hospital Metairie, LA.

A High-Tech Pet Feeder Is Beneficial

The standard feeding method that pet owners do is using a bowl to feed their pets. This method requires more energy and time, which working owners can't afford sometimes. On the other hand, more advanced feeders are already made to be automatic. This makes the life of owners with full schedules easier, especially during weekdays. High-tech feeders are so advanced that they can store food that can last for a few days. No more daily refills! New features also make feeding more convenient at any time of the day. The feeder's application will notify you if you have to give more food to your pet. 

Owners with a lot of time to stay home may not find high-tech feeders necessary. However, other owners have been looking for this invention to help with their busy schedules. Choosing where you invest your money is good, but you should consider buying high-tech feeders if you have pets.

Your veterinarian Washington DC is a valuable source of information about your pet's diet and nutritional needs.