Thursday, 31 May 2018

Why your dog loves to chew

Your dog loves to chew on things and you can often find him gnawing on something around your home. Why does he want to do this so badly?

Your dog tends to chew on things in order to check them out a little more closely. This behavior offers him new information on items he may not have spent a lot of time around. The item may taste good, be satisfying to gnaw on, or give your pet the chance to experience the item in a different way. It can also be a fun way to pass the time, as it offers him some sensory input. Your pet may be chewing because he is experiencing some teething pain too, since this may relieve some of the pressure he is feeling in his gums. For additional information, please contact your pet clinic Castle Hills TX.

Managing Your Cat’s Anxiety When Going to the Vet

Your cat may become anxious or hide when it’s time to go the vet’s office. Thus you could become reluctant to take your cat in for good visits and routine care and only go for emergencies. This could ultimately result in health issues. Most cats who fear going to the vet are afraid of their carrier or riding in the car. Acclimate your cat by leaving the carrier open in the house to explore. Treats inside can encourage your cat. Close the door with your cat inside for short periods of time. Always keep your cat in her carrier when traveling in the car. Put her and the carrier in the car while it’s not running. Next, start and idle. Take a few short drives around the block. Eventually, these rides will become routine as will a ride to the vet. Praise your cat when she stays calm. For more information, contact your Temecula, CA veterinarian.

Tuesday, 29 May 2018

Does Your Cat Pee Anywhere Except The Litter Box?

Does your kitty love peeing on your bed, clothes, and other inappropriate places? Inappropriate elimination needs to be addressed immediately so it won’t become a deeply ingrained habit. It will also save pet owners from dealing with stinky odor that may spread to every nook and cranny of the house.
Here are possible reasons for your cat’s inappropriate behavior:
l  Your kitty finds it difficult to use the litter box because of its location while an open drawer or a pile of clothes is easily accessible.
l  Some cats need litter box training.
l  Your kitty is suffering from stress or anxiety
l  It is your cat’s way of claiming territory and marking
Your kitty may be suffering from urinary tract infection, painful joints, or other health issues thus it is a good idea to have your pet checked out by your pet clinic Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

Dental Tips For Pet Rabbits

The teeth of rabbits continue to grow through their entire lifetime. Thus they need to munch on sufficient amounts of hay every day to help wear down their teeth. Roughage should compose the bulk of a rabbit’s diet. Their dental anatomy is designed to consume adequate amounts of hay each day. Rabbits spend many hours each day eating and chewing on hay. Aside from keeping their teeth well-trimmed, fiber also enhances the process of digestion. This is one important reason rabbits don’t need their teeth brushed. If you observe more closely, the front surface of the teeth wears down more slowly compared to the back surface because of the enamel that is present on the front surface. The back surface of the teeth has dentin.
This is also another important reason why it is not recommended to place your pet rabbit on an all-pellet diet. A balance between hay and commercial rabbit pellets in your pet’s daily ration is very important for your pet’s health and well-being. Your pet’s dietary needs is an important concern that you should discuss with your vet Saskatoon, Saskatchewan during your pet’s wellness checks.

Friday, 25 May 2018

Keeping Your Cat off the Kitchen Counters

Your cat may like walking around on your kitchen counters because she gets food up there. She may also use the counters to peruse her territory. However, this can be annoying and unsanitary while you prepare food. Clear your counters of food and ensure that no one gives your cat food while she is up there. When she jumps up on the counter, pick her up and move her to another safe surface or the floor. Never punish or yell at your cat while she is learning. And never push her off the counter. Cover the counters with aluminum foils strips or double-sided tape when not in use. These materials feel weird to your cat’s feet and will deter her from walking around up there. Set up a perch such as a windowsill or shelf where your cat can watch the hubbub of your home in safety. Learn more from your veterinary clinic Temecula, CA.

Understanding Your Dog’s Body Language

In the wild, animals communicate with each other using body language. Your dog will use the same body language to communicate with you. Thus you can understand your dog better if you know what different postures mean to him. Your dog is afraid if he postures himself in a way where he seems to shrink away with his tail between his legs. Sometimes this is misinterpreted as acting guilty. However, that guilty look is more a fear reaction. He fears what you will do when you see him doing something bad. Your dog may indicate that he wants to play by bowing with a toy or a stick. You know he is confident if he holds his head high and his tail up. He may even show dominance while puffing up his fur and acting aggressively. And of course, he might bite you if he is showing his teeth. For more information, contact your veterinarian Temecula, CA.

Thursday, 24 May 2018

Can You Decipher Your Dog’s Body Language?

A dog’s body language is a very unique and refined way of communication. Although it can be undecipherable to non-dog persons, dog owners can easily perceive what their pets are trying to tell them. It is their means of showing you what they are feeling.  As dog owners, one should learn to recognize these signs and be familiar with a dog’s body language. Like people, dogs often show emotions—they can be happy, bored, afraid, sad, excited and even angry. All these emotions can easily be discerned by a dog’s body language. Watch closely for the twitching of his ears, the movement and position of its tail, its eyes, and positions of the body all convey messages that they want their owners to understand.  Animal behaviorists have all recognized that communicating between animals using their body language exists in the wild. Animals in the wild communicate different emotions using their body movements.
A sudden change in your pet’s behavior should warrant a visit to your veterinary clinic Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.