Sunday 9 June 2019

Pet Turtles and Eye Infections

Did you know that because of their size, turtles are often seen at a vet’s office for eye related illnesses and injuries? Turtles are low to the ground and almost always on the move even if it’s at a slow pace. This allows for plenty of eye issues to develop. One of those is a bacterial eye infection. Your turtle may appear to have a swollen or irritated eye. The bacterial infection may cause the eye or eyelid to swell up so bad that the turtle is unable to open the eye. Call your vet right away if this happens to your turtle. Your vet will need to examine your turtle to find the cause. In many instances, the infection can be a side effect of another illness or simply the result of debris in the eye. If not treated, however, the infection can travel to the respiratory tract which could be fatal. Talk to your vet clinic Oshawa, ON to learn more click here.

1 comment:

  1. Good information. Having basic knowledge on pet care like this can save a few trips on the emergency animal hospital.
