Sunday 24 May 2020

Why Cats Hide Under The Bed

Cats that lack socialization tend to be fearful of anything that they are not familiar with. Anything that they perceive as strange or unfamiliar can send them scampering to safety and the easiest places to hide is under the bed or furniture. These cats may only come out of their hiding places when the see that all is clear. That will be the time that they get out from under the bed, use the litter box, eat or drink. Any effort to coax them out of the bed can be met with hisses and displays of aggressive behavior. This is one important reason why kittens should undergo socialization as early as 2 weeks of age. Being exposed to various sights, sounds, scents, people, animals, etc. can help them easily adjust to any situation that they may encounter later in life. 

You should seek help from your veterinarian Ashburn, VA if you are dealing with any undesirable pet behavior.

Click this link for more details:

1 comment:

  1. Almost any cat will rush to hide in shelter if it feels threatened. Anxiety or excessive excitement of the owner, chaos and disorder at home may well become triggers. Also, cats often hide, moving to a new home, even in the company of their favorite owners. Another good reason to hide even for a perfectly balanced cat is the appearance of strangers in the house. First of all, it is important to know what cannot be done. You can’t force a cat out of cover. Of course, if staying there does not threaten her life or health - for example, a house fire. But I do not think this is a huge problem. It is much harder to put a fat cat on a safe diet Before you start a diet or change the diet of your pet, be sure to consult your veterinarian. It is imperative that before starting a diet and introducing restrictions on the amount of food consumed, the cat is weighed and checked for the presence of certain diseases. In order to help your pet lose weight quickly and painlessly, try to exclude all kinds of desserts and goodies, including milk, from your furry friend’s diet for two weeks.
