Thursday 17 September 2020

Surgery After-Care For Cats

Pet cats can go through surgery at one time or another, from neutering or spaying to tooth extractions to other types of operations, Taking a proactive part in your pet’s health, especially when he is already home is very important.

Make sure that when your cat gets home from the vet clinic, a room or pen has been prepared for him so he can get enough rest without being disturbed while convalescing. Upon discharge, your veterinarian may have given you instructions on medications that your pet should be given at home. Also, there may be a need for your pet to undergo physiotherapy or other remedies. Be sure to follow the instructions of your veterinarian. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to ask. If you’re working, you need to make a plan to fit your pet’s care into your daily schedule or routine. If there are medications that should be given at a time when you’re away, have someone else in the household take over, if possible. Your cat will truly be grateful for the extra time and attention you shower him after surgery. There may be a need for your cat to be taken back to the vet clinic for check-ups. If you notice that there is slow progress in your pet’s healing, do refer to your veterinarian Michigan City IN.

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