Thursday 7 January 2021

Grooming A Squirmy Doggy


Grooming sessions are barely tolerable for some dogs. Some of these dogs struggle to stay put despite a groomer’s best effort to finish brushing their hair and trimming their nails. These restless dogs are usually the ones bursting with tons of energy. It would take a lot of patience and some witty tricks to hold them in place and make them less squirmy or restless.

Giving your dogs a headstart on obedience training and exercising a lot of patience as a dog owner can help in effectively keeping your dog well-behaved while they are being groomed. It’s best to introduce your dog to the grooming sessions as early as possible or while they are still puppies. If you prefer to groom your dog on your own, take advantage of the 5 to 10 minutes of their short attention spans to get the grooming done. Owners can get their dog’s hair brushed in this period. An effective way to make your dogs less restless and keep them still during scheduled grooming sessions would be to try to expend some of their pent up energy with physical activities.

Any sign of a skin or hair coat issue should be brought to the attention of your veterinarian Peterborough, ON.

Click this link and make an appointment:

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