Thursday 29 December 2022

How Can You Tell If a Koi Is Stressed?

Koi are beautiful, majestic creatures that can add a splash of color to any garden. Koi are also known for their hardiness, but they can get stressed, much like any other type of pet. 

But what does it mean when your koi is stressed? How can you tell if it's time to take action? 

Here are some signs that your koi may be stressed: 

       Your koi is hiding in its pond more than usual or refuses to come out at all

       Your koi's behavior has changed—it's not eating as much, or has started eating less than normal

       Your koi has stopped growing new scales, which means its immune system isn't working properly

       Your koi has stopped spawning or is producing fewer eggs than usual

       Your koi has stopped swimming in any direction and seems to be floating at the surface of its pond

       Your koi has become lethargic or seems to be moving more slowly than normal

       Your koi is displaying red gill covers

       Your koi has cloudy eyes 

If you notice one or more of the above signs, it's time to take little Flipper to the vet. 

And if you have more questions or wish to schedule your pet koi for a checkup, please don’t hesitate to call us, your local veterinarian Las Vegas, NV today!

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