Did you
know that hip dysplasia is a common skeletal disease seen in large dogs like
the German Shepherd and Retrievers? The disease occurs when the ball and socket
join in the hip fails to develop normally or is altered due to an injury,
trauma or osteoarthritis. The malformation usually causes the ball and socket
to meet incorrectly causing a grinding or rubbing instead of a smooth movement.
Over time, the hip joint can deteriorate and the dog can lose complete
function. It can occur as early as four months of age. Symptoms can depend on
the severity or the progression of the disease and can include joint looseness
or laxity, decreased activity, difficulty for the dog to rise, run, jump or
climb stairs, hind-limb lameness, hopping or a swaying gate, painful hip
joints, decreased range of motion, and loss of muscle mass. If your dog has any
of these symptoms, call your Aurora, CO
veterinary clinic.