Cats usually pick up the correct ways to potty with proper training. In most cases, it only takes about a month for a cat to be completely potty trained. However, there are some instances when you notice a few changes to your cat’s elimination behavior.
The usual culprit when there is a change to your cat’s elimination habits is a medical issue or disease. Your cat may have trouble holding her poop or urine because of an illness. If this is the case, seek medical attention right away. Only your vet can provide an accurate recommendation and treatment.
In some cases, elimination problems are also triggered by fear, anxiety, or stress. Did something drastically change in your household? Did you just get a new pet? Or is there someone new in the neighborhood that could have possibly intimidated your cat?
If you answered yes to any of the questions listed above, then it may be the factor that affected your cat’s elimination problem. Seek advice from your vet LaPorte, IN for proper management in resolving this issue.