Showing posts with label Veterinarians Washington DC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Veterinarians Washington DC. Show all posts

Monday 19 December 2022

The Holistic Science Behind Acupuncture For Pets

Do you know that cats may receive acupuncture too? Acupuncture is an old Chinese treatment developed in connection with the belief that people possess energy cycles. This energy moves through people’s bodies which keeps them healthy. When these energy points are blocked, people become sick. This same process takes place in animals like cats.

Accordingly, acupuncture can also work on felines. If you want your beloved pet to try this, you may bring her to a skilled veterinary acupuncturist or TCM. But if you are hesitant about this procedure, you may ask your vet first. You have to understand how TCM works so you will know what your cat will go through.

Like in people, acupuncture in cats uses long thin needles. Your feline may get surprised or startled by this technique, but do not worry because it is safe and painless. The professionals in TCM know how to accomplish this.

If you have concerns about your pet's health and/or behavior, make an appointment with your veterinary clinic  Washington DC.

Hot Weather Safety Tips For Dogs

Summertime could be a combination and exciting yet stressful seasons. People love to swim during this time, but for pet owners, have you thought if your summer activities would be safe and enjoyable for your pets too?

With this being said, before planning your summer vacation in a beach or pool resort, make sure that they are open to accommodate pets. If they do, inform the staff ahead of time that you are bringing your pet with you. This will help them prepare the premises and make them as pet friendly as possible.

In addition, the rule of thumb is to never let your pet get near the water unsupervised to avoid the risk of drowning. Also, if you are going to a beach or pool during the day, make sure that your pet is hydrated and avoid exposing him too much to the sun.

If your pet is showing signs of heat stress, contact your veterinary clinic  Washington DC immediately. Visit the website.

Tuesday 2 August 2022

Tips For Introducing A New Cat To Other Pets

As a cat owner, you should not rush her in meeting other cats as they tend to be territorial. When cats are forced to interact with other cats, they feel overwhelmed and may misbehave.

Take some time before letting them meet other cats, and if you have more cats at home, keep them apart at first and then slowly let them interact with each other. You should also take extra precautions when introducing your cat to your dog if you have any, as they tend to clash with each other.

Small pets like birds, hamsters, guinea pigs, etc, are easy targets for your cat, so if you have such small pets, make sure they are out of your cat’s reach. Your cat’s presence may cause stress and discomfort to your other pets and this has to be avoided as much as possible.

Your veterinarian Washington DC is a valuable resource when it comes to issues that affect your pet’s health and behavior.

Tuesday 19 July 2022

Litter Box Solutions for Arthritic Cats


One of the more common symptoms among cats suffering from osteoarthritis is house soiling due to eliminating outside of the litter box. 

Here are some common litter box concerns and simple solutions you can make to address the needs of your arthritic cat:

  • Provide a larger litter box. This way, your cat has more space around her ensuring that the sides of the litter box do not come in contact with your cat’s body, thereby preventing pain. 
  • Provide litter boxes in different areas of the house, preferably on the floor or level where your cat usually stays. In cases when your arthritic older cat cannot hold it, you decrease the likelihood of accidents since there are litter boxes that are easily accessible around the house. 
  • Provide a shorter litter box with low sides for ease of entrance and exit. You may also want to consider litter box alternatives such as plant growing trays or under-bed storage boxes. 

Persistent litter box issues should warrant an appointment with an animal clinc Washington DC to make sure that your pet’s behavior is not caused by an underlying health issue. Learn more here.

Monday 18 April 2022

Bombay Cats And Devon Rex Cats Are Strikingly Beautiful

How many cat breeds do you know? Are you familiar with all of them? Pedigree cats are popular around the world. But, did you know that there are less common cat breeds that equally deserve your attention?

Some of them are the Devon Rex and Bombay cats.

Devon Rex

Known to be the dogs of the cat kingdom, the Devon Rex is native to the Devonshire of England. These felines were discovered in the latter part of the 1950s. 

Because they can become exceedingly loyal to their humans, Devon Rex can become your good home companion for several years. These cats are affectionate and playful like dogs. Devon Rex possesses elfish qualities, slender bodies, and large ears.

Bombay Cats

Do you want to own a panther-looking cat with a touch of sophistication? The Bombay cat is ideal for you. This cat breed is stunning; thanks to their lush coat and large eyes. Wait until you see them strut that resembles the walk of a black leopard native to India.

Make an appointment at your veterinary hospital Washington DC for your pet’s health and dental checks.

Tips For Hassle-Free Visits To The Veterinarian With Your Cat


We all know how hard it is to keep our cats at ease when it's time for another check-up. But it's not just the physical aspects of a check-up that stress them out -- it's also the dread they have to contend with during the drive to the clinic or hospital. If you've ever had to wait in line to do something you didn't look forward to doing, like getting an injection, then you know the feeling.

In addition, your cat may be prone to carsickness, which adds even more to the anxiety. The best way to counter this is through training. You can start taking your kitten out for short drives at two months old. Increase the duration and distance gradually to avoid overwhelming your feline friend.

Choose a carrier of comfortable size but not too big that the medical staff would have a hard time taking the cat out. It should be able to adjust its position while inside, and there should be soft bedding to make the little guy feel comfortable while in transit. It won't change your cat's attitude toward vets overnight, but at least it can relax before and after the appointment.

If your pet is showing any signs of illness, make an appointment with your animal hospital Washington DC. 

Wednesday 6 April 2022

Night Crazies In Cats


Cats are quite social and active creatures. They have a natural tendency to hunt and stay up at night. Your kitty can get excited, play around, walk or yowl while you are asleep. You need to find out the specific reason for your cats' nocturnal behavior. Sometimes the cat stays alone during the day and stays inactive: resulting in hyperactive behavior at night. You should engage your cat in playing with you as you get home. Try to schedule the meals right before the time you want your kitty asleep. Get your cat some toys to spend the time home alone.

Keep an eye on the cat's physical and emotional health. Some cats show night crazies because they are suffering from a syndrome called Feline Hyperesthesia. Try to provide such cats with a stress-free environment. Calm down your cat with a wrapping towel during an episode of seizures. Hyperthyroidism and dementia can also make cats' night crazies. A veterinarian can help with these physical ailments.

It may be difficult to bear with your pet's night crazies but you should be patient. Try using reward-based reinforcement techniques and train your pet with tolerance.

A sudden change in your pet’s health and/or behavior should warrant a visit to your animal hospital Washington DC. Visit their website to know more about their services.

Friday 15 May 2020

Keeping your dog in your backyard

Your dog loves to spend her time in your backyard and you want to make sure you are able to offer her all the space she needs to thrive in your care. How can you keep her within this space?

Your pet doesn’t understand the boundaries of your property and will need to be taught what spaces she is free to roam around in and which she should refrain from doing so within. This means that she will be in need of suitable activities to keep her out of trouble when it comes to spending time in your yard and proper supervision will help her to stay away from areas she shouldn’t be spending time in. Offering her a barrier, like a fence, can also help by keeping her physically contained and offering a visual reminder of her boundaries. Your local veterinary clinic Washington DC can help you care for your pet. Learn more here.