Showing posts with label vet Carmel Valley. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vet Carmel Valley. Show all posts

Friday 28 October 2022

Mental And Physical Stimulation For Kittens

Understand that cats are species born to live in the wild since they are accustomed to this lifestyle. The traits, characteristics, and features of these animals are also included in this type of living. What does this imply? It means that when adopting a kitten, you must consider her behaviors, background, and needs to thrive.

Thus, remember kittens need several activities, so they can address their needs to express their curiosity and energy. If you cannot always play with your kitten, you can give her toys that can serve as an outlet, can entertain her, and can develop her skills.

Experts recommend the following cat toys, furniture, or accessories:

  • Cat-friendly toys that resemble prey animals like mice or birds

  • Toys with catnip

  • Cardboard boxes

  • Crumpled paper

  • Food puzzles

  • Foraging games

  • Laser points

  • Scratching posts or cardboards

Meanwhile, do not give your kitten the following:

  • String toys like ribbons or yarns

  • Toys with small detachable parts that may cause intestinal obstruction or swallowing

A sudden change in your pet’s behavior should warrant a call to your animal care Carmel Valley. 

Tuesday 2 August 2022

Cocker Spaniel Coat Color And Grooming


Indeed, rare are the breeds that are as beautiful as Cocker Spaniels. They have a thick (and, in some cases, wavy) coat, which is short on their back and head. Meanwhile, it becomes longer on their chest, ears, legs, and belly. Lastly, the coat's color can be solid light cream, red, brown, or black, although some may be multi-colored (all of which have white).

Grooming takes some time, effort, and money. You may want to go to professional groomers instead of bathing, brushing, and trimming your dog by yourself— which should be done every 6-8 weeks. Expect it to be pricey. In addition, you should brush them daily to eliminate mats. If you can't keep up with all of these, you may reconsider not having a Cocker.

Alternatively, you may try clipping your Cocker's hair short. Despite that, bathing and trimming every 6-8 weeks is still necessary for their coat maintenance.

Any problem affecting your pet's skin and/or hair coat should require a visit to your pet hospital Carmel Valley

Friday 24 June 2022

How To Dispose Of Cat Litter


Is it your first time caring for cats? Do not be afraid because of the big responsibility you need to face. Though the tasks are many and quite challenging, you can do all of them because of your love for your pet cat.

Here is one tip you should bear in mind: disposing of your cat litter is a vital part of keeping your cat’s health and overall well-being in its prime condition. Proper disposal is also beneficial for your health and the safety of everyone in the household. Here are some guidelines for properly disposing of cat litter:

  • Do not touch the litter using your bare hands, particularly when you are expecting. The feces of cats contain a pathogen that leads to toxoplasmosis in infants.
  • Wear gloves to clean the litter box.
  • Wipe down the surfaces that touched the litter.
  • Dispose of the litter directly inside a bag in the garbage to avoid contamination.
  • You may use cat litter as natural fertilizers in your garden compost. But do this matter carefully so as not to cause contamination in your edible plants.
  • Avoid flushing cat litter to prevent damaging the plumbing system of your house.

Keeping the litter boxes of your cat clean is a must to let your pet live happily and be healthy.

Persistent litter box issues should warrant an appointment with your veterinary hospital Carmel Valley.

Will Basenjis Make Excellent Pets For Families With Children And Other Pets?


In general, Basenjis aren't the type of dog who loves children. They're highly energetic, though— which can be perfect for older kids. Nevertheless, raising a child with a Basenji pup is a better idea. A Basenji who knows how to interact with children is a perfect companion for a child who can interact with dogs properly.

Teaching kids the proper way of approaching dogs is essential— so is supervising their interactions with dogs. It prevents any incidents of biting or tail/ear pulling. Also, tell children to refrain from disturbing a dog who's currently eating; neither should they attempt to take away the dog's food. Don't leave a child alone with a dog. The same applies to cats and other smaller animals. Basenjis can only be trusted with pets raised with them, which they treat as a family. Outsider cats/small animals, however, are just potential prey.

Your pet will benefit from regular health and wellness checks at your pet hospital Carmel Valley. Click here to know more about their services. 

Tuesday 31 May 2022

Contact Allergies In Pet Dogs


Contact allergies are the allergy type that is least common.  This allergy will happen if your dog comes into contact directly with allergens like grasses, lawn pesticides, flea collar pyrethrins, and materials (synthetics or woo) used in bedding or carpets.  Contact allergies could happen whatever age your pet is and could be against practically anything.

If your pet has allergies to any of the aforementioned substances, he will develop itching and irritation at the area where contact was made, typically his belly and feet.  Getting rid of the allergen after identification is often the solution.

Take caution, though, as allergy symptoms could be mistaken for other conditions or happen together with them.  And so, avoid diagnosing your pet yourself.  Seek veterinary assistance.  Prepare your pet for full diagnostic examinations so that the cause of the skin issues and itching can be identified.  If your vet concludes that it is an allergy, the entire family has to follow the instructions to the letter so that your pet’s discomfort will be successfully relieved.

Any skin and/or hair coat issue exhibited by your pet should warrant an appointment with your pet clinic Carmel Valley

Sunday 20 March 2022

Can Adult Cats Become Bonded Pairs?


Bonded pair cats start their relationship at a young age. These cats were first litter mates and then established their relationship through the years. Now, you may wonder whether older cats can form bonds with other cats.

The answer is simple — yes. Older cats can be bonded with other cats if they are social and love to play with other animals. However, the bonding process does not happen in an instant. It takes time.

And bonding emerges between cats with different characteristics. For example, confident felines get attached to shy ones.

These bonds normally occur at a shelter between and among cats coming from varied backgrounds. Thus, it is important that if you are interested to adopt kittens from a shelter, you must know first if that cat is not bonded with another adorable feline. Because if it does, you might need to adopt two.

Your animal hospital Carmel Valley is a valuable resource when it comes to issues that affect your pet’s health and behavior.

Tuesday 25 May 2021

What Items Can Make Good Scratching Pads Or Posts?


Ensure that you offer your cat the appropriate scratchable items so that she has surfaces where she can engage in her normal scratching habit.  Most cats will like scratching vertically, so acquire a scratch post that measures taller than the cat’s body length.  Doing so will allow your pet to stretch fully, giving her a better scratch.  Should your pet be scratching your home’s carpeting, try offering her a scratching pad instead, as this may be the orientation she prefers.  The scratcher item’s texture is also essential.  Many cats like sisal rope, while others like carpeting or corrugated cardboard on the scratcher item.  Try experimenting with various types and textures of scratching items to find out which one your cat likes.  Note that your pet will learn best by using positive reinforcement.  When you redirect your pet to utilize her new scratcher item, ensure that you offer your pet immediately with a reward, ideally within three seconds.  This is to reinforce the desired behavior. 

Your vet Carmel Valley is a valuable resource when it comes to your pet’s health and needs.

Thursday 18 March 2021

NSAIDs and Cats

Did you know that NSAID is an abbreviation for Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs? Make sure you talk to your vet if your cat has been prescribed NSAIDs. For instance, find out why the medication was prescribed and what the expected outcome should be. In some cases, a vet will prescribe a cat NSAIDS to help reduce swelling, stiffness, or joint pain often associated with arthritis or effects of recent surgery. There are several NSAIDs that are designed specifically for cats. It is not OK to give your cat any type of anti-inflammatory designed for people unless directed by your vet. Always monitor your cat for possible side effects. Routine blood work is needed to monitor for serious long term side affects including kidney, liver, or digestive problems. If your cat exhibits behavior changes, changes in appetite, develops skin redness, or starts vomiting or has diarrhea stop giving him the drug and contact your vet Carmel Valley immediately.

Saturday 12 December 2020

How You Can Deal With Cat Dander

vet Carmel Valley

There are a lot of people that get allergic to cats and think the root cause is the fur of these cats. The truth is, the root cause or culprit is a certain protein found in the dander of these cats.

Dander in cats is created in a really simple way. When cats lick their bodies during a grooming session, their saliva gets deposited or stays in the body area which got licked. Sooner or later, the saliva gets dry and flakes off, forming dander which later goes airborne. Aside from getting airborne, dander gets left in surfaces where the cat rubs against and places where the cat frequents, which coincidentally are some places where people in the household stay or frequent.

The following are some quick tips to cut down the dander in your surroundings:

     You can try vacuuming the hair coat of your beloved cat. This will suck up a lot of dander and loose hair.

     Bath your cat at least once weekly

Any skin or hair coat problem should be brought to the attention of your vet Carmel Valley.