Showing posts with label vet clinic anderson in. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vet clinic anderson in. Show all posts

Friday 13 May 2022

Can I Keep A Cat On Vegetarian Diet?


Have you always been on a vegetarian diet? If this is the case, you may also want to get a pet with whom you can share such a meal option. Now, be informed that cats should not be included in your option. This species cannot thrive and sustain itself by feeding only on green, leafy vegetables. 

Understand that felines are obligate carnivores. What does this mean? This case implies that cats need to consume meat to be healthy and support their bodily functions throughout their lifetime. Do not even think about trying to introduce your cat to a vegetarian diet because it can harm her and put her at great risk.

Cats are not born to consume only veggies. Thus, the bodies of these animals are used to and need the nutrients present in meat for them to survive. But, if you will still push through with having a vegetarian pet, go get a rabbit instead of a cat.

Know more about your pet’s nutritional needs during your pet’s health and wellness visits to your animal clinic Anderson, IN.

Monday 25 April 2022

Keeping Your Cat Indoors


Did you know that one of the best things you can do for your feline buddy is to ground her? Cats are curious and playful, and they do like going outside and enjoying fresh air. However, your pet faces some very serious threats in the great outdoors. Cars, weather, chemicals, and wild animals are some of the biggest risks. Kitties that are allowed out are also at greater risk of being hurt, lost, or even killed. They are also more susceptible to parasites. 

One thing that is very important is making sure that your home is fun and exciting for your pet. Set out lots of toys and cat furniture for your kitty to explore and play with. You may also want to get some pet-safe plants, to give your furry little friend a taste of the outdoors. You can find many safe ones listed on the ASPCA website.

Make sure to bring your kitty to your animal hospital Anderson, IN regularly for exams and wellness care! 

Friday 4 June 2021

The Importance of Cleaning Your Pet Rabbit’s Cage


It is essential for your pet's health that you keep its cage clean and sanitary. Because of the animal urine and excrement, the cage's enclosed environment creates an excellent environment for microbial growth. As a result, cage cleaning must go beyond simply removing dirt and waste products. Pet cages need disinfection at least once a week in addition to regular cleaning. Most small pets have a particular odor that some may find offensive, including pet owners unaware of it before taking the small pet home. Neutering can help eliminate some unpleasant slight pet odors. However, you should still clean your pet's cage appropriately, even if your pet already underwent a neutering procedure. The pet's behaviors and the cage's size primarily determine how often you should clean the enclosure. Washing the pet's food and water containers and letting them dry before replacing and removing soiled bedding or changing the litter are some of the things you should be doing every day. Aside from regular cleaning, the enclosure, and the cage furniture need disinfection every week. Before returning the pet to its habitat, make sure the cage and furniture are completely dry.

Always consult your animal hospital Anderson, IN if you have questions about how to meet your pet's requirements.

Friday 30 April 2021

Does A Boxer Dog Fit In Your Family?


The long-ago forerunners of the boxer breed stretch as far back as about 2500 BC.  But the boxer dogs found during the 1800s in Germany are the dogs recognized in our recent history.  This breed was the descendant of the “bull biter” or Bullenbeisser, a bigger form of the boxer we see these days.  That Bullenbeisser was utilized as a hunter of a bigger game like bison, wild boar, and yes, bears.

To have a boxer as your friend means that you are willing to allow some silliness.  Boxers like leaping onto their human companions, therefore, the “down” command is one of the most important commands your boxer puppy must learn during his initial training.  Boxer dogs are bred for agility and speed.  They also require different activities to occupy the animal’s mental faculties.  Boxers are extremely protective dogs meant for guarding, and they need additional training to channel this protective nature.  Small children and perhaps even frail adults might become overwhelmed by this breed, so remember this when you are deciding if the boxer will be an ideal pet for your home.

Your pet will benefit from regular health and dental checks at your vet clinic Anderson, IN.

Wednesday 10 February 2021

Safety Tips To Observe At The Dog Park


Dogs of all ages, sizes, and personalities converge in the dog park, thus, there is always the possibility of displays of aggressive behavior. Here are safety tips to remember when bringing your dog to the dog park:

  • Bring only healthy dogs. Be sure that your pet dog is vaccinated before you bring him anywhere or even at the dog park. 
  • Make sure to read and follow the rules of your local dog park, some parks do not permit puppies below 4 months.
  • Do not bring a female dog to a park when she is in heat. This will attract male dogs especially the unneutered ones. Keep an eye on your pet male dog that is still unneutered.
  • Dress down your dog. I know you want to dress your dog especially when going out, but I advise you to not do that when you are bringing him to a park. To prevent snagging onto branches, fences, or to other dogs, remove any of your dog’s gear, harness, or dog clothes. But make sure to leave on his collar and ID tag.
  • Do not bring his toys and also your kid/s. Bringing his toys might attract other dogs to get it, and they get jealous if others touch his belongings.  If it’s the other way around, take your pet to another part of the park. Do not bring kids along. Dogs might get enthusiastic and could knock down your kids. Some dogs are child-friendly but it’s best to keep your kids at a safe distance from unfamiliar pets.
Your pet will benefit from regular health and dental checks at your vet clinic Anderson IN.

Friday 15 January 2021

Foods That Are Toxic To Dogs


Does your pooch often beg for you to share your dinner? Dogs have very healthy appetites, and aren't shy about asking us to share our food. This is really cute, but it can also be unsafe. Many of our favorite foods are toxic to our canine companions!

Chocolate, as you may know,  is extremely poisonous to dogs. It contains a substance called theobromine, which dogs can't metabolize. In fact, it can be fatal at just one ounce per pound of a dog's body weight.

Other unsafe foods include garlic, onions, scallions, and chives. These are concerning as they are often used as seasonings. Grapes, currants, and raisins are also very poisonous to Man’s Best Friend. Some dogs go into organ failure after eating just one grape! Other unsafe foods include avocados; pitted fruits; caffeine; nuts; mushrooms; rhubarb; alcohol; and anything that contains xylitol or a lot of salt, sugar, or fat.

Ask your vet Anderson IN for more information on proper nutrition, including safe and unsafe foods.

Friday 2 October 2020

Cats Sniffing Cats


You may be familiar with dogs sniffing one another to communicate in some form. However, have you ever seen cats sniffing one another? Turns out they do. There are some cats that will sniff another cat to communicate in some form of greeting of friendliness. Cats don’t sniff quite as quickly as dog though. When cats meet one another they tend to hiss and growl at first and then sniff each other’s faces and necks. This is the way they tell each other “hello.” Cats sniff the neck and cheek area because they tend to produce pheromones that signal friendship to other cats. Cats do not typically sniff the other cat’s rear until after they have spent some time around them and are more comfortable. Like dogs, cats are able to tell a lot about the other cat by sniffing his rear end. Learn more from your veterinarian Anderson IN.

Tuesday 7 July 2020

What is a Reeve’s Turtle ?

Are you looking for a pet turtle? How about the Reeve’s turtle? This turtle also goes by the name of Chinese Pond turtle. The Reeve’s turtle originated in central and eastern China as well as North and South Korea, Taiwan and Japan. These turtles thrive in habitats like lakes, ponds or small streams. They love slow moving water that has a close bottom full of soft dirt and a lot of vegetation and plenty of places to bask in the sun along the river’s banks. The Reeve’s turtle may also be found  in swamps, marshes and rice paddy fields. This type of turtle can grow to be as large as 9 inches, but most grow no larger than 6 inches in length. This type of turtle can also be kept an in inside tank or outside pond. The average lifespan of a “pet” Reeve’s turtle is 10 to 15 years. Contact your veterinarians Anderson IN to know more. 

Monday 6 July 2020

Things to Know about the Akita

Are you familiar with the Akita? He’s a strong, tough and athletic dog originated from the Akita prefecture on the island on Honshu in Japan. As with other dogs in this region, the Akita was bred to withstand polar temperatures of crazy levels! The Akita has long legs, strong muscles and easily navigates over steep and snowy terrains. By nature, the Akita is a very protective breed and would do well as a guard dog. However, training is a must as is socialization at an early age. The Akita can be stubborn with an independent streak. Also know that some insurance companies have this breed on the restriction list due to risk of aggressing and biting. As with many dogs, however, training and routine structure can often overcome this temperament. Trained thoroughly, the Akita can be a loyal and loving companion. Talk with your vet clinic Anderson IN to learn more about the Akita.

Tuesday 28 April 2020

Pet Reptiles Are Not Suitable for Young Kids

Pet reptiles have special needs and they need more delicate handling and care from pet owners. Because of these, young kids are not suitable to care for pet reptiles. Even though kids aged 6 to 7 years can be taught in terms of the proper handling of pet reptiles, constant supervision by an adult is always necessary when kids are around pet reptiles. Even better, the whole family should be supportive and committed to meet the unique requirements of a pet reptile.

Reptiles are inherently wild, so you need to make sure that you choose a pet reptile that is already tame and is already use to handling and being around people. Try to select a pet reptile that has a gentle temperament and disposition. The reptile's temperament, as well as the kid's motor skills and level of maturity, will dictate the type of pet reptile that is right for your kid.
Talk to a vet Anderson IN that has worked with pet reptiles if you are interested in getting one for your kid.

Tuesday 4 February 2020

Cats and Constipation

Constipation can happen on occasion in people and in animals including cats. Signs that your cat may be constipated include your cat straining to poop, leaving small or hard clips of poop in the litter box, or even just living small liquid pieces in the litter box. This could be a clue that your cat has something going on. You should call your vet and schedule an exam. Cats should have one bowel movement a day. If your cat doesn’t have a bowel movement one day then wait to make sure the cat has one the next day. If not then call the vet. Other signs of constipation may include mucous or blood covered stools, loss of appetite, lethargy, vomiting, abdominal discomfort and even lack of self grooming. Low fiber diets, dehydration, excessive grooming and numerous hairballs can all be causes for constipation. Learn more here or call your vet Anderson, IN.

Friday 6 December 2019

What To Do If Your Pet Rabbit Has Been Exposed To Frontline

Frontline contains an active ingredient to which rabbits are extremely sensitive to. Thus in the event that your pet rabbit has been exposed to frontline, accidental or intentional, steps should be taken to remove the product from your pet’s body as quickly as possible. Rabbits can exhibit mild to serious symptoms when exposed to Frontline. Some even develop seizures and die. When rabbits groom themselves, they can lick off the product which can lead to more serious implications. The first step is to get rid of the product by bathing your pet rabbit in warm water and using a mild puppy or kitten shampoo. Be sure to apply the product thoroughly before rinsing it off the rabbit. Dry your pet using a towel and place the animal under warm light or incubator to dry. Rabbits can easily get very cold and develop hypothermia which can be fatal. Thus warming your pet after a bath is very important. Do keep a close eye on your pet for the next few hours and days following the exposure to Frontline. If your pet rabbit is showing any signs of adverse reactions or toxicity, you should get the animal to the nearest animal clinic Anderson, IN ASAP for immediate treatment and supportive care.

Tuesday 5 November 2019

Abscess In Snakes

An abscess is a lump in the skin that can occur in various sizes. The lump contains pus that is firm, unlike most abscesses in which the pus is runny and can easily be removed. In snakes, an abscess needs to be removed surgically, especially the larger ones because aspiration or draining of the pus is not possible. If you find a lump on your pet snake’s body, you should have it checked by  a veterinarian. You should never remove an abscess by yourself. Some abscesses contain foul-smelling pus when opened, and an open abscess can pave the way for more serious infections. Most abscesses are caused by a bite or injury, however, there are types of abscesses that develop as a result of an internal issue, and this type can be more serious. Because of the possibility of septicemia or blood poisoning, you should take your pet to the vet clinic Anderson, IN ASAP.

Tuesday 4 December 2018

Does Your Orange Tabby Have Black Spots On His Nose?

Many adult and senior orange tabbies or calico cats have black spots on their lips, nose, and around the eyes. The first few spots tend to appear on the cat’s nose and lips, growing in number, and some increasing in size with time. The average size of the spots is about 1 mm or less but since they are very close together, they create a distinct discolored spot that is hard to miss. The phenomenon is called Lentigo simplex. The good new is, it is completely harmless. They are accompanied by hair loss, redness, and abnormal changes in skin color. The spots are not-elevated, not painful or itchy.
Because of the possibility that a cat can be suffering from a skin condition that needs prompt veterinary attention, so it’s a good idea to have the spots checked out by your veterinarian Anderson, IN. More so, if the spots are elevated, and appears to be reddish and inflamed.

Friday 9 February 2018

Your dog’s first appointment with his veterinarian

Your dog loves to head out and about, but you know he hasn’t met with a veterinarian just yet. What should you keep in mind for your pet’s first vet visit?

Your pet needs to head to the vet’s office on a regular basis to help maintain his health. This initial visit will help his veterinarian get a handle on the care he needs, and begin to understand what he requires for regular care. It will establish a baseline from which changes can be measured in future visits, and begin a preventative care routine to help your pet lead a long, healthy life. It will also give you a chance to get some input on the care you are offering at home. Your local vet clinic Anderson, IN can help you care for your pet. Click here for additional information.

Thursday 8 February 2018

Is your hamster eating healthy food options?

Your hamster may be an adorable creature who feels pretty independent, but she definitely needs you to help her meet her needs. This is because she is in your care, and can’t head outside to purchase things from the store to have back in her enclosure, like healthy food options.

To feed your pet a healthy diet, you will need to make sure you are aware of what nutrients her body needs. This will help you identify them in a potential commercial mix. Try to keep things as natural as possible, as this is what her body will be able to process the best. Bring her other options as well, like fresh produce, nuts, and seeds, from time to time. Her veterinarian will let you know what appropriate portion sizes are for your pet, and it’s important to stick to these whenever possible. For additional information, please contact your local vet clinic Anderson, IN.