Does your cat spend a lot of time
outdoors during the colder months? If so, you may have him or her wearing a
coat for an extra layer of protection from the elements. Be careful that your
cat doesn’t leave the yard wearing the coat. The coat could get stuck or hung
up if your cat goes wandering in the woods, etc. When your cat comes indoors
you may want to remove the coat. If your home is on the warm and toasty side
definitely remove the coat. If you like your home a little cooler or you just
warm part of the house then leave the coat on. You can place your hand between
your cat’s fur and the coat to see if she’s too warm. Breeds that may need a
coat include the Manx, Siamese, the Sphynx, etc. For more tips and
suggestions, consult with your veterinarian Crown Point, IN.