Showing posts with label vetereinary clinic Dutchess County NY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vetereinary clinic Dutchess County NY. Show all posts

Thursday 30 July 2020

Where to find the best prices on pet supplies

You have a wonderful furry friend in your life and you want to make sure you are able to offer her everything she needs to enjoy her life to the fullest. Where can you find the best prices on pet supplies in order to make the most of your pet care budget?
Your pet will need certain things in order to meet her needs, so take the time to focus on these purchases when you can. This will mean determining the ideal options for her and scouting out different sources for the best prices. This may entail purchasing items on sale, with a coupon, or in bulk. It may also mean bringing home an item that it a bit less expensive if it will still serve its purpose well. You may find that some places are more appealing overall while others may have very good sales prices. Your local veterinarians Dutchess County, NY can offer additional suggestions. Visit this website to know more.

Tuesday 26 May 2020

Eye Infection in Cats

It’s a good rule of thumb to check your cat’s eyes on occasion to ensure they are healthy and vision is well. You can do this simply by observing your cat’s eyes on occasion. Once you know what they normally look like, it could be easier to notice when something is off. For instance, if your cat has eyes that are red, swollen, weepy or watery then she may either have something in her eye or she may have an eye infection. Cats can develop eye infections from debris in their eyes, scratching at their eyes too much, or being around another cat with a contagious eye infection. If you notice swelling, irritation or watery or crusty eyes, please call your vet and schedule a checkup for your cat. You may  be instructed to flush the eye to see if it’s just debris. Always talk to your professional pet clinic Dutchess County NY before treating your cat.