Showing posts with label veterinarians Dahlonega GA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label veterinarians Dahlonega GA. Show all posts

Wednesday 16 June 2021

Traveling With A Pet Turtle


Pet turtles can be stressed out by travel.  If transporting your turtle is needed, then some preparation and planning will have to be done ahead of the scheduled car ride so that problems can be minimized when the day comes.

Put your turtle inside a plastic box that has holes drilled into it so that it will have enough ventilation.  Turtles are notorious escapologists, so select a box that has a securely closing lid.  Also, put in some padding material at the bottom like an old towel.  There must be no loops or loose threads that can tangle up your turtle.  Paper towels and newspapers also work quite well for the same purpose.   Of course, you want to make sure that there is ample space inside the box where you put your pet.

A turtle can deal with being without water for considerably long periods.  But if the trip is quite long, consider misting your pet, or at least dampen the padding inside the box.  Misting your turtle cools it down but make sure that you are able to warm your pet enough for the duration of the trip.  A relatively shorter trip that might just take a couple of hours will be okay with semi-aquatic species of turtles like the red-eared slider even if they are not in water.

Check with your veterinarian Dahlonega GA for additional useful information regarding how to keep your turtle safe and content while you travel.

Wednesday 15 January 2020

Bunny Choke

Did you know that rabbits love to eat their hay throughout the day? Rabbits need to eat throughout the day to keep them healthy and happy. Eating carrots is also good for them as the crunchiness helps naturally keep their teeth sawed down. Sometimes, however, you may find that your rabbit eats too fast and can cough or choke on it. Rabbits often choke more on their food than other animals. Signs of choking may include coughing, heaving or hacking sounds. Your rabbit may also appear to be struggling. Call your vet immediately. Your vet may advise you to use the bunny version of the Heimlich maneuver. The maneuver involves holding your bunny on your arm, securing his head, applying pressure with your other hand to his back, lifting him head level and bringing him down quickly. This movement uses force of gravity to remove the blockage. For more tips, call your animal hospital Dahlonega, GA.