When you take your ferret in for
his routine exam, plan to take a list of questions with you as well. This is
your time to ask the vet any questions you may have about your ferret’s health,
habits and routine. For instance, ask the vet if your ferret’s weight is on
target or if your ferret needs to lose or gain weight. Tell your vet what you
feed your ferret for meals and snacks to make sure it’s OK. Tell your vet how
much you feed your ferret and how often. If there’s a correlation between what
your ferret eats and his weight your vet can tell you and help you change the
diet. Make sure your ferret is drinking enough water. If your ferret has any
odd habits now is the time to mention them. Take advantage of your appointment with your veterinarian Cherry
Hill, NJ by finding out all you need to know for ferret care.