As cats age, their bodies change just
like humans would. Elderly cats need
specialized care routines, and this could be an emotional aspect or a physical
aspect. In an ideal world, caring for
elderly cats has to emphasize keeping your pet healthy, more comfortable, and
living longer. Taking a proactive
approach when it comes to your elderly cat’s health helps you find out about
health issues and diseases early on, making the prognosis better.
Caring for elderly pet cats means visiting your veterinarian regularly. Your pet could be prone to some medical issues as she ages, therefore needing regular examinations to keep her health up. Several of the typical conditions that affect elderly cats include diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism, kidney disease, dental disease, and various kinds of cancer.
Weight loss is another thing that elderly cats could deal with. This could be something normal to the aging process, but it could also be an indicator of a medical issue such as hyperthyroidism, kidney failure, cancer, or various other health conditions. Weight change could be an initial indicator of a disease, therefore, if something does not seem right, take your senior cat to a veterinary hospital Ellicott City, MD sooner rather than later.