Showing posts with label vets san diego ca. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vets san diego ca. Show all posts

Wednesday 13 July 2022

Ways To Ensure That Your Cat Uses The Scratching Post


Have you been a fur parent for a long time now? Then you may have probably known about cats’ urge and instinctive behavior to scratch. These animals scratch for several reasons such as to exercise and stretch their muscles, mark their territories, and maintain sharp claws.

Even if you keep your cat indoors and do not allow her to go out, she still needs avenues where she can do some scratching. A scratching post is one good solution for this. You can choose from several types and styles of scratching posts in the market.

However, some cats can get hardheaded and not use the posts provided by their humans. When this happens to you, employ some strategies to keep your cat interested in the post at your home. Here are some tips from the experts:

  • Place the post near a window or a radiator inside a room where your cat frequents. 
  • If the post comes with a large design with a bed and other platforms, place it in a large or spacious room.
  • Situating the post near your cat’s sleeping quarter is also ideal since cats enjoy stretching upon waking up. 
  • Try sprinkling dry catnip on the post base to motivate your cat to scratch the post.
  • You may place dry food on the platforms to encourage your cat to come to the post.

Your veterinarian San Diego, CA is a valuable resource when it comes to issues that affect your pet’s health and behavior. Visit the website.

Friday 24 June 2022

Cat Supply Basics: Cat Food


Have you adopted a kitten? Congratulations on making this decision. Being a fur parent is a life-changing experience as it can impact your life greatly. But be sure you are equipped with all the necessary things and knowledge so you can do the job. 

One of the basic things you need to remember in keeping a kitten is the food. What nutrients do these little felines need? What types of food are suited for your kitten? What are the elements you need to consider in choosing the right food for your cat? 

Understand that cat food comes in two forms: dry and wet. Dry cat foods are tiny kibbles that are available in different flavors and shapes. The wet cat food is a normally shredded product and canned pâte.

Listed below are some things you need to consider in planning for your cat’s mealtime:

  • Age
  • Body type
  • Bread
  • Health needs

Your new kitten may be sensitive to food or picky. So, be prepared to provide your cat with several options of food types in case your cat fails to like what you have chosen.

 A sudden change in your pet's appetite and/or eating habits should prompt a visit to your animal clinic  San Diego, CA. 

Dog Chewing Paws and Nails: Reasons and How to Help


Dogs have the habit of licking and chewing. Every dog lover knows that it is quite natural to watch your dog licking its paws and nails. However, there is a limit to this as more frequent licking and chewing can be a sign that your dog is sick with some inflammatory condition. 

Dogs chewing Paws and Nails: Is it Normal? 

Brief sessions of chewing and licking especially after a walk or play sessions are pretty normal behavior by dogs. Sometimes dogs also start licking before they relax and settle into their bed.

You should be aware of any irregular pattern of licking shown by your dog. For instance, if licking becomes more frequent and aggressive, it can be a sign that something is going wrong. If the licking lasts for more than 15 minutes and the paws of your pet appear red afterward you need to inspect your dog's feet and get the necessary help from a veterinarian  San Diego, CA

Monday 21 March 2022

What Is Your Cat Trying To Say?


According to feline behavior specialists, there are 23 expressions or separate vocal sounds that cats use in their languages. They also utilize their body to communicate, such as the examples below.


The typically happy purr has a rhythm. On the other hand, a low pitch and repetitive purr mean a terrified cat. Cats generate a low-pitched, persistent purr during the first day preceding death.

Body language

Forward-pointing whiskers and ears suggest interest. A pet cat that lets you hold its feet quickly is likely to be a friendly feline. Slow blinking is akin to a kitten kiss. Kneading is something cats do when they feel comfortable and pleased. 


A feline staring at you is more likely hostile than one avoiding looking at you. 

Some pet owners may mistake their cat's language to show negative behavior. Pet owners need to understand how their pet cats communicate to avoid misinterpretations.

If you have concerns about your pet’s behavior, make an appointment with your veterinarian San Diego CA.

Friday 19 March 2021

Fatty Liver Disease in American Curls


Did you know that fatty liver disease is one of the most common and most severe forms of liver disease in felines? The disease has no preference of breed, age, or sex. The main function of the liver of an American Curl, for instance, is to produce chemicals necessary for digestion and the detoxification of the body. Fatty liver disease occurs when large amounts of fat are deposited into the liver. For reasons often unknown, an American Curl will start to lose weight and become undernourished even though his diet hasn’t changed. As a result, his body will transfer fat reserves to the liver to be converted into the proteins needed for energy. An American Curl’s liver is unable to handle this large amount of fat and may become swollen. In addition, the liver is no longer able to process other materials including red blood cells. Call your pet clinic San Diego CA to learn more.