Dogs can get skin infections due to bacteria and fungi. Dogs that stay outdoors are prone to getting skin infections. Even dogs with a weak immune system can get skin infections.
A dog with a low immune system cannot fend off any microorganism that attaches to the body. Thus, any bacteria or fungi that grow on the dog will increase. You can tell that the dog has skin infections when he develops lesions on the skin, has a foul-smelling discharge, oily skin coat, and swollen skin.
The dog’s skin infection can transfer from dogs to dogs and even humans. At times, the infection can be fatal. So as soon as you see signs of skin infections in your dog, you should
bring him to the vet immediately. Some of the signs to look out for are hair loss and continuous scratching. It will also help to observe good hygiene at home to prevent skin infections.
Any skin and/or hair coat issue exhibited by your pet should warrant an appointment with your vet clinic Dawsonville, GA.