Friday 9 March 2018

The basics of Shedding

If you share your home with a furry friend, there is a good chance that you share your living space with a lot of shed fur too. Why is this and how can you handle it?

Shedding is a natural part of your pet’s life. Fur is shed often and new fur is grown in to help maintain your pet’s coat and keep it healthy. You may find that your pet sheds more during certain seasons, like in the spring when the warmer weather is approaching, or if she is going through something stressful. You should talk to her veterinarian if you feel she is shedding excessively. However, some shedding will likely always be taking place in your home. You can help keep things neat and tidy by brushing your pet often to remove the fur in a controlled manner and using cleaning supplies made for pet owners. For further information, please contact your local Pickerington, OH veterinarian.

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