Wednesday 9 June 2021

Heartworms In Dogs


A heartworm’s best hosts are dogs. Heartworms are parasites that are transmitted by mosquitoes and they can wreak havoc to a dog’s health. A dog gets the infection if he gets bitten by a mosquito that has already fed on another dog that is already infected, acquiring the parasite larvae along the way, transferring them to the former. If your pet dog has been administered preventative medication, the larvae are destroyed. But if the dog is unprotected, the deposited larvae could reach maturity in four weeks' time. They then become robust enough to resist the preventative medication. These parasites make their way to the animal’s heart and the connective blood vessels to the lungs. This is where they reach maturity and proliferate more larvae that get acquired by mosquitos, starting the cycle again.

Dogs infested heavily with heartworms might have a cough, have this pot-bellied look, and lose a significant amount of weight. These extreme infestations could be fatal. There are even dogs that might just up and die without ever displaying clinical signs.

Consult your pet clinic San Diego, CA, and work with them to create a preventive routine against heartworms to safeguard your pet all year round.

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