Tuesday 3 August 2021

How To Manage A Dog’s Destructive Behavior


Some pet owners have to deal with their dog's destructive behavior at one point or another. When they play too much or chew on objects around the house, they could end up destroying stuff like the carpet, furniture, shoes, and clothes.

Dogs chew as a way to alleviate pain, anxiety, and stress that they feel dogs engage in destructive behavior when they are teething, bored, scared, seeks attention, and suffering from a health condition.

Pet owners should provide physical and mental stimulation to the dog to keep him from doing any destructive behavior and feeling isolated.

Teething dogs should also get chew toys to prevent them from chewing inappropriate objects.

Human parents should also remove potential causes of destructive behavior. This is done by being aware of signs that lead to destructive behavior. For instance, if the dog starts to shiver, it may mean that the dog is feeling scared

You can bring the dog to the vet Marietta, GA to see if there is a medical reason for the dog's destructive behavior.

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