Sunday 19 March 2023

What Is Ortho-K?

Do you believe in how powerful science is? If you do not, start believing because science has been proven mysterious yet effective in explaining how and why things are. One of the things that prove science is powerful is the function of ortho-k. Do you know it?

Ortho-k is the shortened version of orthokeratology. This is a treatment that requires the use of lenses when a patient goes to bed. Why? Ortho-k is a technique for addressing vision problems that can be corrected by wearing prescription glasses or contact lenses. Some may find it challenging to wear glasses or lenses every day. This endeavour can be expensive and inconvenient. That is why many have become interested in the effectiveness of ortho-k.

How does this method improve eyesight? Experts specify that such treatment involves the use of rigid lenses that are gas-permeable. As your wear these lenses at night, they correct your cornea by reshaping it. As you wake up, the cornea holds such shape within 24 hours, allowing you to see clearly without needing lenses or glasses. Ortho-k can help address the following:

· Myopia

· Hyperopia

· Astigmatism

· Presbyopia

 A regular eye examination at an optical centre in Oxnard, CA is a proactive way of taking care of your sense of sight.

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