Showing posts with label Eye clinic Washington DC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eye clinic Washington DC. Show all posts

Thursday 16 March 2023

Tips For Sighted People Who Want To Help

Living to the full may be difficult for some people who face numerous challenges. This case is true for people who have issues with their eyesight or who are visually impaired. These individuals may find accomplishing numerous tasks hard because they hardly see a thing. Imagine crossing the road without clear vision. That is difficult. Right?

But be reminded that these visually impaired individuals still deserve your respect. They are humans who try to live every single day with their heads up high. Now, if you want to extend a helping hand to these people, ask them first if they want it. Understand that some of them do not like to receive help from others. But some are okay with it.

Here are some tips for assisting people with visual impairment:

· Ask the people where they need to go and assist them

· Walk with them by matching their speed

· Describe orally the obstacles in front of them

· Be specific in describing objects

· Do not pet their dogs so as not to distract these pets from doing their job in assisting people with visual impairment

 Any sign of an eye problem should warrant a visit to your eye clinic Washington, DC for proper medical attention.

Wednesday 22 February 2023

How To Treat A Scratched Eye

 When you have scratched eyes, these dos and don'ts will help you recover faster:

  • Rinse your eye using clean water or saline solution. Use a tiny, spotless glass if you do not have an eyecup. Place the glass rim on the bone under your lower eyelid, which is near the base of the eye socket. The foreign item in your eye could be removed using water or saline solution. 

  • Blink your eyes. Small sand or dust particles in your eye can be removed by blinking. The fluid in your eyes will be the one to do the work. 

  • Avoid crossing your top and lower eyelids. Any foreign item captured beneath your upper eyelid may be brushed away by your lower lashes.  

  • Wear your shades. Sunglasses will keep you more comfortable as you recover if the scrape has made your eye sensitive to light. In addition, they will also keep your eyes protected from the harmful rays of the sun.

  • Avoid rubbing your eyes. Scratches might get worse if you rub your injured eye.

  • Avoid putting anything in your eyes. Fingers, cotton swabs, and other things are useless for removing foreign objects and might end up causing additional damage to your eyes. Sometimes, the feeling of something stuck in your eyes remains even when the object is already removed.

  • Avoid wearing contact lenses. Wearing your contacts can impede the recovery process of your eyes. It may also result in issues like infections linked to the usage of contacts.

  • Avoid using eye drops that reduce redness. They won't hasten your recovery from an eye scratch. In addition, they can also cause eye discomfort.

Any sign of an eye problem should warrant a visit to your eye clinic Washington, DC for proper medical attention.

Wednesday 11 May 2022

What To Do If Sunscreen Gets In Your Eyes


Sunscreen products are needed by both adults and children for skin protection against sunlight’s damaging UV rays.  However, products like these do cause quite a number of burning sensations in the eyes.

Even though permanent damage will not result from getting some sunscreen in the eyes, this could still cause significant eye inflammation and burning.

If you use contact lenses, you will want to first remove them if ever sunscreen gets into your eyes.  Then, use artificial tears or lubricating eye drops to flush out your eyes.

Try not to rinse your eyes using bottled or tap water.  These could still have microorganisms that could cause critical infections of the eyes like Acanthamoeba keratitis.  Therefore, it might be best to always have a bottle of artificial tears or sterile eyewash solution whenever you go to the beach, whether you use contacts or not.

Applying a cold wet compress over your closed eyes could also help in easing the burning sensation of sunscreen getting in your eyes.

You could also make the burning sensation ease up quicker by often (around every twenty minutes) applying a lubricating eye drop product that is preservative-free until your eyes feel better.

In addition, if you use contacts, think about changing into everyday disposable contact lenses so that you could replace the lenses right away with a fresh pair should the ones you have on become contaminated with your sunscreen.

Any sign of an eye problem should warrant a visit to your eye clinic Washington, DC for proper medical attention.

Monday 25 April 2022

Signs You May Need Eyeglasses


The most common tell-tale signs that you need eyeglasses to include:

      Nearsightedness (myopia) is the condition that makes it difficult to see distant objects.

      Farsightedness (hyperopia) is a condition in which you have vision problems with things found near you.

 Presbyopia is a condition where there is a gradual loss of the eye's ability on nearby objects. The situation becomes apparent after the age of 40.

A cataract is the clouding of the eye's natural lens. This condition is the most common cause of vision loss in people over 40. It is treated with surgery and an intraocular lens (IOL) implantation.

Computer vision syndrome. The condition is caused by excessive electronic devices such as smartphones, computers, and tablets. Symptoms include eye strain, dry and red eyes, blurred vision, light sensitivity, headaches, and pain in the shoulders, neck, and back.

People spending a considerable time on LED screens are likely to develop this condition, including children. The excellent news is computer vision syndrome treatments like prescription computer glasses are readily available.

Any sign of an eye problem should warrant a visit to your eye clinic Washington, DC for proper medical attention.