Did you know that birds can have different
types of eye related health conditions? Watching out for your bird and taking
note of regular behavior and habits can help you identify when things aren’t
going as usual for your pet bird. For example, an irritation to the eye can
cause your bird to act much differently especially if he’s in pain or if the
eye is itching or just bothering him. Eye irritations are probably the most
common as they can often come from the dust in the cage or the bedding used in
the cage. Your bird’s eye may become slightly puffy, watery or appear red or
inflamed. You should always call your vet when there’s an eye issue as it could
escalate quickly. Other type of eye illnesses may include cataracts, tumors,
abscesses, or eye lacerations, or simple scratches to the eye. Click here to
learn more or visit your vet
Wichita, KS.