Showing posts with label Vet Metairie LA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vet Metairie LA. Show all posts

Wednesday 2 June 2021

Medications Can Help Calm An Anxious Dog

In some instances, expecting something fearful or negative will eventually lead to a feeling of anxiety. When your dog is always anxious, he might have a better chance of managing his emotions by taking medications. The commonly used medications are I-theanine or I-tryptophan. These natural supplements help calm the animals. 

But when your dog’s anxiety has turned serious, it might be wise to bring him to the vet. For instance, if the dog keeps hurting himself or digging through the floor, don’t take these actions lightly. 

Be sure to get the vet's approval before giving any medication to your dog. When used properly, your dog can take the medication daily and be on the way to becoming calmer. Daily medication can also help improve his reaction during panic attacks. The daily medication may eventually lessen panic attacks.

When your dog keeps experiencing panic attacks, it is the perfect time to bring the pet for a check-up. An animal hospital Metairie LA will conduct a thorough physical examination to see whether your dog is suffering from any medical condition.

Saturday 8 May 2021

Fun Facts About French Bulldogs

If you are looking for a fun dog, then the French Bulldog is your perfect match. This dog breed is also known as the "clown."

Here are some interesting facts about this awesome breed:

  • These dogs have an offbeat character. But despite this trait, he is more laidback. This attitude stems from the fact that he has a short nose and flat face.
  • They are easy to train but can be stubborn at times. Early training is very important so that the dog will not get used to unruly actions. 
  • This breed will greatly benefit from socialization with other dogs. Your training seasons will be more productive if your dog has exposure.
  • The good thing about this dog is its quiet nature. You'll hardly hear him bark.
  • However, if he chooses to speak, he will find ways to get you to listen to him. 

Any sign of illness exhibited by your pet should require an appointment with your vets Metairie LA.

Saturday 24 October 2020

Batteries Are Harmful To Pets

Batteries can pose a danger to pets especially if they happen to ingest them. Batteries contain toxic compounds that can cause heavy metal toxicity. These chemicals can lead to ulcers, perforations upon contact with the gastrointestinal tract lining. The ulcers can be deeply penetrating especially if your pet happens to ingest an alkaline dry cell. Alkaline batteries can leak caustic substances such as potassium hydroxide or sodium hydroxide.

Store batteries properly to prevent your pet from obtaining batteries; that should include any remote controls, battery-powered toys lying around the house. Dispose of used batteries immediately too. Battery ingestion can also cause other problems such as gastrointestinal obstruction. 

Although you might judge it as necessary, never force your pet to vomit after swallowing a battery. The chemical is highly corrosive and can cause tissue damage and injury. If you suspect that your pet has accidentally ingested a battery, it would be best to rush to a local vet Metairie LA, and seek veterinary attention.