Showing posts with label Vet Salisbury NC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vet Salisbury NC. Show all posts

Wednesday 21 April 2021

Scurvy In Guinea Pigs

vet Salisbury NC

Guinea pigs develop scurvy because they lack Vitamin C. To treat this disease, the vet should give enough Vitamin C to reverse the effect.

Here is the treatment plan to cure scurvy:
• Vitamin C could be added to the cavy's meal, including food and water.
• If the scurvy is in a serious stage, the Vitamin C could be given as an injection to maximize the effect.
• The cavy could be given 30 mg of Vitamin C depending on their weight. This is the set amount that will make up for the usual dose of 5-10 mg that a healthy cavy takes. The added dose of vitamin will be gone until the scurvy symptoms are resolved.

The Vitamin C regimen will usually take about one week. The cavy will recover afterward.  Experts do not recommend giving multivitamins to guinea pigs because they might overdose. Excess vitamin could lead to poisoning.

If you notice any changes in your pet's health, you should bring them to a vet Salisbury, NC. It is better to prevent the disease from developing rather than treating it.

Saturday 12 December 2020

Great Choices for First-time Bird Owners


vet clinic Salisbury NC

Are you considering adopting a bird to add to your family? Birds can make wonderful pets for the right people. If you’re a first-time bird owner, you’ll probably want to avoid jumping in headfirst. Luckily, there are some great options for beginner bird owners.

Budgies, more commonly known as parakeets, are a good first-time choice if you’re interested in keeping a bird as a pet. Budgies are small and easy to care for, and they’re very friendly and affectionate when they’re socialized and well-cared for. The canaries are another good option—they’re simple to take care of and don’t need a lot of physical handling, and their vibrant colors are always a hit. Last but not least, cockatiels are very popular. Females are recommended as they tend to be a bit less aggressive than their male counterparts. 

If your new pet bird needs their first veterinary checkup, consult your vet clinic Salisbury, NC for help.

Sunday 22 March 2020

Using Diapers for Senior Pups

If you senior canine has trouble making it to the bathroom in time then you may want to consider diapers. If he’s wearing a diaper, you can still take him out and remove the diaper but if he doesn’t make it in time then it will be in the diaper. This doesn’t have to be a permanent solution. Your senior may just need to wear diapers at night, which can help with night time accidents. It can also keep you floors clean. If you want to find diapers for canines then check out pet stores and online stores. Please be sure to note the difference between male and female diapers. Male diapers are simple belly bands while female diapers cover the entire backend. If you need help finding the right diaper for your senior canine, please feel free to click or call your vet clinic Salisbury NC.