Showing posts with label Veterinarian Eau Claire WI. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Veterinarian Eau Claire WI. Show all posts

Tuesday 12 October 2021

What Makes Cavalier King Charles Spaniels Interesting Pets?

If you are not familiar with the Cavalier King Charles spaniel, you should know that this breed has a famous namesake. The name comes from King Charles II. This famous monarch lived during the 17th century and was fond of spaniel dogs. The King favored this breed and allowed them in public places. Meanwhile, the other dog breeds do not appear in public.

The Cavalier King Charles spaniel dog belongs to the toy breed category. This dog belongs to the toy breed, even if it is a spaniel.  The other toy breeds are the Maltese dogs and Chihuahua. 

Kennel clubs do not want to lump the Cavalier King Charles with the other spaniels since they do not accompany their humans in hunting.

The Cavalier King Charles breed is popular nowadays. When you look at the dog population in the country, you will see that this breed is one of the top favorites. What makes this breed popular? The answer is that the dog provides companionship. They are also sweet and cute.

Consult your veterinarian Eau Claire, WI about the best way to protect your pet from various health issues. Visit the website.

Tuesday 24 August 2021

Hamster As Pets

Hamsters are cute and lovable. When at the pet store, you or your kid will surely want to stop to look at it. Be careful, though, since hamsters like to nip more often than a guinea pig. 

But despite that, hamsters still make a great pet, even for young children or young adults. Again, be careful when handing female hamsters because they have more attitude. On the other hand, a male hamster will have a gentler attitude. This behavior is like a cat. 

Do not be overwhelmed by a girl hamster because they may have a gentler personality than others. So do not consider a female hamster as a challenge.

In general, it is easy to care for a hamster. Even children can care for one. You only need to provide a suitable cage with an exercise wheel. Throw in a nesting area, and you’re good to go. 

Your veterinarian Eau Claire WI is a valuable resource when it comes to your pet’s health and needs.

Friday 11 June 2021

How to Keep Rabbits Like the California Rabbit Hydrated


As the summer months continue, be sure to check on your rabbit’s water levels several times a day. When the heat increases so should your rabbit’s water intake. Rabbits can drink a lot of water year round, but their water intake can especially increase when the temperatures rise. In general, most five pound rabbits can drink as much as a 25 pound dog. If you notice that your Californian isn’t drinking very much, please call your vet right away. Keeping your rabbit’s water bottle filled with fresh, cool water can help encourage him to drink throughout the day. Using a water bottle can also help you judge how much your rabbit is drinking. Water bowls are OK, but oftentimes rabbits will spill them and they could be without water for long periods of time. Californian rabbits can get serious ill if they are without water for 24 hours or more. Click here to learn more from your vets Eau Claire, WI.

Friday 19 February 2021

Pet Care Tips From The Experts

veterinarian Eau Claire WI

As a pet owner, it is expected that you are aware of the responsibility to commit to the nourishment and care of your pet.  Below are some guidelines in being a responsible and smart pet owner:

Vaccinating regularly

Keeping a pet requires that you take him to your veterinarian for regular vaccinations to maintain optimal health.  Keep your pet vaccinations current against feline leukemia, distemper, leptospirosis, rabies, canine hepatitis, and kennel cough.

Providing an activity-rich environment

Living in an environment where your pet can keep his natural senses and instincts sharp and stimulated will be beneficial for him.  Pets need recurring mental and physical activities to keep them from being bored and their muscles exercised.  Walking your dog daily and providing your cat scratching posts and window perches can go a long way in keeping them occupied.

Identifying your pet

As an addition to identification cards on collars, you also have the option of getting a microchip fitted onto your pet so that in case he goes missing, the odds of getting him back are much higher.

For more information regarding pet vaccines and microchip fitting, check with your veterinarian Eau Claire, WI.

Monday 4 January 2021

Skin Infection in Dogs


Bacterial and fungal skin infections are common in dogs. Aside from dogs that frequently stay outdoors, dogs with a weak immune system are more prone to infections. When a dog has low immunity, its body finds it difficult to fight off microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi, multiplying quickly. Skin infections in dogs usually manifest as moist skin lesions, sticky discharge with a foul odor, greasy hair coat, or inflamed skin. Bacterial and fungal skin infections are contagious, such as ringworm which dogs and humans can easily pass on to each other. Bacterial and fungal skin infections can be fatal to a dog’s health. As such, pet owners should bring their dogs to a veterinarian Eau Claire WI for an examination and appropriate treatment as soon as possible if they see their pet having excessive loss of hair or is persistently scratching. Aside from medical treatment, hygiene practices at home are also crucial in preventing skin infections in dogs.

Thursday 3 December 2020

Are Pocket Pets Good for Kids ?


Do you have children? Are they begging for their first pet? Keep in mind that you don’t have to get a puppy or a kitten—that might be too big of a commitment right away, especially for young children. A pocket pet like a guinea pig, hamster, rat, gerbil, or mouse might be a good choice for you and your kids. 

Pocket pets are relatively easy to care for, although they will need daily attention. They’ll need their cage bedding material scooped out regularly, and of course they will need fed and watered on a daily basis. It’s a good idea to socialize your pocket pet, too—they’ll need to get used to human handling, and bear in mind that this requires some patience. 

All things considered, pocket pets tend to make good pets for children who are able to understand the commitment and have the patience to stick with it. Consult your veterinarian Eau Claire WI for more insights.

Wednesday 23 September 2020

How Spaying And Neutering Help Save Dogs and Cats


Have you seen the abundance of pet dogs and cats in animal shelters or rescue facilities shown on the news on TV or the number of pet dogs and cats for sale in animal shops and online stores? There is a likely overpopulation of pet dogs and cats these days (due to the growing number of breeders and perhaps the lack of available good-paying jobs), and there must be something done about this. One way we can make a significant reduction in this overpopulation of pet dogs and cats is by doing spaying and neutering. Experts also recommend doing these procedures to most pet cats and dogs. These medical procedures remove, partially or completely, the reproductive organs of cats and dogs. Spaying is a procedure done in female cats and dogs, while neutering is done in male dogs and cats. The good thing is, spayed and neutered cats and dogs get medical and behavioral benefits as well.

If you have any questions about spaying and neutering, don’t hesitate to talk to your veterinarian Eau Claire WI

Wednesday 8 April 2020

Cleaning Your Dog’s Teeth

Cleaning your dog’s teeth is an essential hygiene task since decay can lead to pain and trouble eating. Decay can also introduce dangerous bacteria into your dog’s bloodstream. Your dog will be more cooperative if you start cleaning his teeth while he is a puppy so it is a routine. Handle your dog’s mouth to alleviate any fear. Seek medical attention if you see signs of decay such as loose teeth, red or swollen gums, excess tarter, or even a strong foul odor. Clean the teeth with a cotton ball or gauze pad and eventually move on to a dog toothbrush. Toothpaste will make cleaning easier but only use a dog-safe variety since human toothpaste can be toxic to your dog. Stimulate the gums during cleaning. Clean your dog’s teeth several times a week for best health. Learn more from your vet clinic Eau Claire, WI.