Showing posts with label Veterinarian Santa Rosa CA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Veterinarian Santa Rosa CA. Show all posts

Wednesday 27 January 2021

Common Exotic Pets With Submissive Behaviors

veterinarian Santa Rosa, CA

Social pyramids also occur among different groups of exotic animals. Those that are less assertive, demonstrate distinctive indications of surrender to the dominant ones. Here are the most common submissive behaviors demonstrated by specific types of exotic animals:

Bearded Dragons. A subservient bearded dragon exhales up or swings its arm in a round movement when meeting a dominant bearded dragon.

Degus. Degu displays submissive action by lying on their back to show their tummy, just like dogs. You need to demonstrate to your degu pet that you are the dominant one by placing him gently on his back and holding him in that position until he stops struggling. You should do this if your pet degu happens to nip or bite you.

Ferrets. The dominant ferret puts a submissive ferret on its back. Whenever your ferret attempts to demonstrate dominant behavior or hostility, you must show him that you are the alpha leader by holding him by the scruff and placing him on his back.

Consult with a veterinarian Santa Rosa, CA if you are having difficulties with the behavior of your pet.

Wednesday 2 December 2020

Exotic Pets That Won’t Cause Allergic Reactions

Many people are prevented from owning a dog or cat because of allergies to dander, heartbreaking as it may be. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t own a pet at all. Exotic pets are one option you might not have considered. It turns out that there are several exotic pets that are almost completely hypoallergenic.

Reptile and amphibian pets are one example. These animals don’t have dander or fur, so they shouldn’t cause any reactions. Fish are another possibility—while they can’t exactly be taken for walks or petted on the couch, they’re completely hypoallergenic. Even arachnid pets like scorpions and tarantulas, while not for everyone, can make great allergy-free pets. And don’t forget that ferrets don’t give off dander the way other mammalian pets do, so they can make good pets for allergy sufferers, too.

Does your exotic pet need a veterinary checkup? Contact your pet clinic Santa Rosa, CA for help from the professionals.

Tuesday 8 September 2020

How to Bond With a New Pet

 How to Bond with a New Puppy | PetCoach

Did you know that bringing a new pet home can be a fun yet traumatic experience for you and the pet? There’s a lot of new things to adjust to so it’s important to take your time. Give yourself and your new pet a break and don’t push any bonding right away. You should just get to know each other through basic bonding when you feed your pet or brush your pet. As you get to know each other then start to add other bonding times such as holding your pet or if it’s a large pet, sitting with your pet on the floor. Over time you may find that you can start playing games with your pet, teaching your pet tricks and even taking your pet (i.e. dogs or cats) out for walks in the neighborhood. The key is to start with small steps and work up to the larger steps. Call your veterinarians Santa Rosa CA for more tips.