Showing posts with label Veterinarians Kerrville TX. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Veterinarians Kerrville TX. Show all posts

Wednesday 17 August 2022

English Cocker Spaniel Personality

Their cheerful, affectionate, calm personality makes the English Cocker friendly and highly trainable dogs— but don't get surprised if yours is reserved around strangers. They can be a watchdog who barks when there's someone outside, but that's all— they'll likely be nice even to burglars. Despite their friendliness, early socialization is still a must to help the Cocker grow up well-rounded, so expose your pup to a lot of situations and experiences.

With their friendly and happy disposition, English Cockers are also excellent children's companions, especially to those they grew up with. But if your English Cocker didn't grow up with kids, it will be best if your children are already old enough to know the proper way of interacting with dogs.

Teach kids to treat dogs properly. Behaviors like pulling a dog's ear/tail, disturbing their meal/naptime, and taking away their food are never acceptable. And even after teaching your child, adult supervision is still strictly necessary to prevent any accident. For more care tips, call your local animal hospital Kerrville TX. Visit their site to know more.

Friday 15 July 2022

Broken Bones or Fractures in Dogs


No matter how much you protect your dog, sometimes accidents still do happen. A broken bone is just one of the many injuries your dog can sustain due to an accident.  

Broken bones, also known as fractures, are caused by a sudden force or impact on the body by an object or due to a fall during exercise, play, or any physical activity. 

Sometimes, you as a pet parent may be lucky, if it can be called as such, to witness your dog during the actual accident so you know right away if your dog may have sustained a fracture. But, most times, your pet could already be suffering from a broken leg without you knowing it. So, what are the signs to watch out for to check if your dog has a fracture? If your dog exhibits any of the following symptoms or behavior, it’s time to bring your dog to the clinic.

  • Unnatural or abnormal movement of a limb
  • Swelling or bruising around the fractured area
  • Pain
  • Limping and whining
  • Holding the leg up
  • Unwillingness or inability to walk 

For immediate care or relief, remember 3 things:

  • Do not attempt to correct the position of the limb.
  • Do not use any antiseptic or ointment on open fractures. 
  • Bring your dog immediately to the vet, taking care to transport him as carefully as possible. 

Any sign of illness exhibited by your pet should require a visit to your veterinary hospital Kerrville TX for proper medical attention.

Monday 27 June 2022

The Ideal Cattery: Your Cat Should Be Watched And Monitored


A good cattery proprietor would monitor your pet cat.  They might even maintain ‘pee and poop’ charts, recording the goings-on in your pet’s litter box.  They will also note down when your cat eats.  All these give one a good sense of your cat’s health, also allowing one to take notice if the animal develops an upset tummy or other discomforts. 

Any cat feeling ill would be taken over to a veterinary clinic, so a good cattery would check with you for any details about your pet and perhaps even have you sign consent forms, letting them consult veterinarians and give necessary treatment.

Ensure that you provide your contact details or have someone be the point of contact if you cannot be available.  It might be unlikely that your pet will fall ill, but if your pet is elderly, or if something happens, someone would have to decide on what will be the best course of action.

A sudden change in your pet’s potty habits should prompt a call to your veterinary hospital Kerrville TX.

Friday 5 November 2021

Food Allergies In Cats

Every cat that has allergies to food will experience gastrointestinal distress, chronic infections of the ears, and itchy skin.  Common indicators include increased gassiness, diarrhea, or vomiting.  It does not matter if your pet cat has always been consuming the same kind of food ever since or recently just began eating a new type, allergies could happen anytime.

Diagnosing food allergies means your pet has to try hypoallergenic diets or novel ingredients as part of her meals.

Your veterinarian might also suggest meals tailored specifically just for your allergic cat.  If her symptoms go away while on that diet, then your pet cat has food allergies.  Allergies to medications are not common in cats, but adverse reactions could sometimes happen.

Symptoms differ but may include signs similar to having food allergies - hair loss, vomiting, fever, hives, and itching.  Severe cases of allergies could cause anaphylaxis - seizures, collapse, breathing difficulties, and perhaps death.  Should you have suspicions that your pet cat is not reacting well to medication, contact your veterinarians Kerrville TX immediately.

Monday 5 July 2021

Should Cats Get Booster Shots ?

Young cats need protection from certain life-threatening diseases. This is why they need core vaccines as early as possible. 

In previous years, pet owners used to give booster shots for these core vaccines to continue getting protection from life-threatening diseases. But according to recent studies, booster shots might not be needed for all vaccines. There is not enough evidence to show that booster shots help.

If the pet owner wants to know the immunity level of the cat, they can ask the vet to conduct a blood test on the pet. These tests will know how much antibody is left in the cat, and if there is a need to get booster shots. 

But getting an annual blood test may be expensive in the long run. This procedure is even more costly than booster shots. You could also consider that a high count of antibodies does not equate to immunity to the disease. What's more, the procedure is also stressful for cats. 

If you have any questions and/or concerns about your pet’s vaccines or vaccination in general, don’t hesitate to talk with your veterinarian Kerrville TX. Click here to know more.

Wednesday 12 May 2021

Can Cockapoos Thrive Unattended?


In general, cockapoos enjoy the presence of their humans. They are outgoing and not shy in front of other people. If you need to be away most of the day for work or other errands, then you can train a cockapoo on how to be by itself for hours.

Adult dogs can be left alone for a considerable number of hours, but as long as it has the proper training. Meanwhile, puppies can be left alone for shorter periods. When you return, reward your dog with playtime and bonding.

Cockapoos can easily succumb to separation anxiety. The best way to beat it is to train your pet early on that being left alone for a few hours is still okay. When your dog has adequate training, he will not be agitated every time you have to go out.  Similarly, a cockapoo will experience separation anxiety if he does not get to see his favorite family member often.

A sudden change in your pet’s behavior should warrant a visit to your veterinary hospital Kerrville TX. Visit their website to know more about their services.

Wednesday 17 February 2021

Giving a Dog Like the Boxer a Bath

 Boxer dog a Bath এর ছবির ফলাফল

When it comes to giving your Boxer or other canine a bath make sure you introduce him to the bathing area ahead of time. If you use a bathtub, consider placing a rubber mat in the tub to keep your Boxer from slipping. If you use a standup shower, try walking your Boxer into the shower a couple of times without turning the water on. This will help him adjust to the closeness of the shower area. Next, apply lukewarm water slowly and over small areas. Then apply the shampoo into your own hands and gently rub your hands all over your Boxer carefully making sure to avoid the eyes and ears. When you rinse your Boxer, pour the water over him slowly and continuously until the water runs clear of soap. Dry your Boxer thoroughly in a draft-free area. Click here for more tips or talk with your vets Kerrville, TX.

Rawhide Dangers for Dogs Like the Samoyed

 Rawhide Dangers for Dogs Like the Samoyed এর ছবির ফলাফল

Dog owners, in general, often enjoy giving their canine companions with chewable treats and toys on a routine basis. Some of these treats are made with rawhide, which is a controversial ingredient for many dog owners. If you’re not sure about giving your Samoyed or other breed canine rawhide, talk to your local vet. He can help you determine if you should give your Samoyed rawhide or find another alternative. Rawhide does not affect all Samoyeds equally. Some owners have found that rawhide irritates their pet’s stomach. Others have found their Samoyeds are not able to digest rawhide. Encouraging your Samoyed to chew on treats and toys can help relieve boredom and anxiety as well as prevent tarter build up. However, rawhide is not the only option for your Samoyed’s chewing needs. There are many rawhide free alternatives that are made with veggies. Talk to your animal hospital Kerrville, TX about this brand and other alternatives. Visit the website.

Wednesday 2 December 2020

Treating Epilepsy in Dogs Like the Poodle

Did you know that canine epilepsy occurs when a dog is overcome with sudden or periodic seizures? If you suspect your poodle is suffering from seizures, call your vet. Like human seizures, canine seizures are believed to be related to the miscommunication of neurons in the cerebrum of the brain. The cause for these miscommunications; however, is unknown. Once your vet has diagnosed your dog’s epilepsy through a variety of tests and scans, he will be able to prescribe a treatment plan. For instance, if an underlying cause is determined then the cause will be treated. It is important to note that treatment for epilepsy is not a cure. Treatment is given in hopes of decreasing the frequency, severity, and duration of the seizures in your dog. Medications used to do this will be given orally until a combination dose that’s right for your dog is found. Consult with your veterinarian Kerrville, TX for details.