Showing posts with label Veterinarians Lewisville TX. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Veterinarians Lewisville TX. Show all posts

Monday 25 January 2021

Does Your Pet Have A Phobia?


A thunderstorm can be very stressful for pet owners, as the echoing thunder and dark skies can trigger anxiety in dogs.  Blaring noises, unfamiliar places, and people, as well as animals, can also be a source of this anxiety and fear.  Panic, phobias, and fear are quite common in our furry companions than you might realize.

This fear can be brought about in dogs for various reasons.  While normally a natural reaction as a fight or flight response to a possible attacker or in a compromising situation, it can be mitigated by proper training and socialization.  With the proper instruction and exposure, your dog can suitably manage strange people and situations.  Without this guidance, though, a dog may not be ready to face these circumstances as he advances in age.

The nature of a dog can also be a factor in the expression of certain fears.  The character or nature of a dog, much like humans, is determined by hereditary factors, and how they are nurtured.  The way they experience incidents in the past, especially negative ones, will make the dog learn to fear these negative situations.

 A sudden change in your pet’s behavior should prompt a visit to your vet clinic Lewisville, TX.

Tuesday 29 December 2020

Taking Care of a Cat


Cats are lovable pets. Taking care of your pet cat requires a lot of commitment. As a pet owner, you have to meet your pet’s essential needs, including good nutrition, regular grooming, up-to-date vaccinations, and treatments. Regularly feed your cat with high-quality food only to ensure your pet is in good health. Paying attention to your pet’s nutrition will also save you from expensive hospital bills. As cats are sociable animals, you should also spend quality playtime with your kitty, so it gets adequate physical and mental stimulation. When at home, cats have the habit of scratching. If you find cat scratching worrisome, do not declaw your cat. Surgically removing your cat’s nails is unnecessary, according to experts. Please consult your veterinarian on how to train your cat to prevent it from making unwanted scratching. Cats make excellent pets. Treat it as a member of your family and give it all the love and care it needs.

Your pet will benefit from regular health and dental checks at your reputed veterinarians Lewisville TX.

Thursday 23 July 2020

Keeping your dog in your backyard

Your dog loves to spend time outside and you are eager to enjoy some time with her whenever you can. How can you keep her within the confines of your backyard?

While your pet will benefit from your supervision and guidance, a barrier to keep her safely contained will work wonders in helping her stay on your property. This is because it will not only give her a visual reminder of where you’d like her to spend her time, but it can also prevent her from leaving this space even if she is motivated to do so. Many fence options can also block your pet’s view outside your backyard, which may remove a lot of temptation as well.  This will also help to highlight the fun things she can do within this space so she can stay content in the outdoor space you’ve provided for her. Your local trusted veterinarians Lewisville TX can offer additional suggestions.

Monday 1 June 2020

When Not to Feed Your Dog Carrots

Fruits and veggies seem like a safe option for dogs when it comes to sharing a people snack. However, it’s important to know that some fruits and veggies aren’t safe for your dog. For instance, don’t feed your dog carrots if your dog has diabetes or borderline high blood sugar. Carrots are high in sugar and could hurt your dog instead of be healthy for him. In addition, avoid feeding your dog entire apples. If you want to feed an apple, pear or other seeded or pitted fruit then cut it up first and toss the seeds or pits. The seeds or pits contain toxins like cyanide that could hurt your dog if ingested. Another veggie to avoid is tomatoes. Your dog can eat the actual tomato but avoid any leafy greens or stems as this could also be toxic. Please contact your experienced vets Lewisville TX before feeding your dog something new like fruits and veggies.