Showing posts with label Veterinarians Rochester NY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Veterinarians Rochester NY. Show all posts

Tuesday 14 June 2022

Diseases You Can Get From Cats: Ringworm And Flea Bites


Understand that furry felines can carry certain diseases that can be passed on to humans. While these diseases are rare, experts still recommend taking precautionary measures to avoid getting infected and further spreading the germs and bacteria.

Two sources of diseases in cats are ringworm and fleas.

Ringworm - Also known as dermatophytosis, ringworm is a source of various infections for cats. So, always check your feline for any suspicion of ringworm existence. When cats are infected with ringworm, kids should not go near them. Proper handling of infected cats should be done as well.

Fleas - This parasite is a common problem encountered by cats. These blood-sucking parasites cannot thrive on humans, but they can bite you and irritate your skin. Can fleas be controlled? Yes, you can help prevent flea infestation. Regularly spray and clean your home to control fleas and prevent their further spread.

Your veterinarian Rochester, NY can enlighten you about important health issues that can affect your pet.

Monday 28 February 2022

The Benefits of Adopting a Bonded Pair of Cats


When they say that two are better than one or the more the merrier, it can feel the same when adopting a bonded pair of cats. There are different benefits of adopting these inseparable cats, and here are some of them:

      Strong social development. When you have two cats, they will be there for each other, even learning many different things like learning to eat and play and using the litter box.

      Transition is easier. When introducing the new home to your bonded pair, the transition would be less difficult. They have each other when going through the new changes in their lives.

      Prevention of unwanted behaviors. When your cats always have company, they would not have the time to think about doing destructive activities as they are always entertained and never bored by their pair.

      Adopting them feels good. Adopting a cat would feel good emotionally. What more when adopting two? This is always a good deed that you should be proud of doing.

Make an appointment at your veterinarian Webster NY for your pet’s health and dental checks.


Thursday 10 June 2021

Constant Meowing in Cats Like British Shorthairs

Does your British Shorthair seem to be meowing a lot? Can you tell if the meowing is part of his normal behavior or is it unusual for him to “talk” so much? If it’s unusual or out of character then give your vet a call as the meowing may signal discomfort, distress or even an illness. The amount of meowing or chatter from your shorthair will depend a lot of his age. For instance, kittens may be more vocal than older cats. Senior cats are often more vocal then middle aged cats. If your British Shorthair is ill, his meowing could signal that he feels hungry, thirsty, or is in pain. Other reasons for excessive meowing may include attention seeking, loneliness, stress, or even aging. The more you get to know your British Shorthair the more you will be able to identify reasons for his meowing. If you’re unsure what’s causing your cat’s meowing, please call your vet clinic Rochester NY.

Monday 12 October 2020

How to Wean Kittens

Are you raising kittens? If so and you’re not sure on when to wean the kittens, please check with your vet. Generally, weaning is the process of transitioning your kitten from mama cat’s milk or bottle fed milk to solid food. Most vets agree that you can begin the weaning process when your kitten is around four weeks old. Your kitten will most likely let you know she’s ready when she starts exploring her mama cat’s food and tries to nibble on it every now and then. If possible, allow the mama cat to start and finish the weaning process. If you are weaning an orphan kitten then you may be able to start weaning her around the third or fourth week of age. If you are the mama cat then the process will be entirely up to you. Click here for more information on weaning and caring for kittens or call your vets Rochester, NY.