Showing posts with label Vets Coral Springs FL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vets Coral Springs FL. Show all posts

Wednesday 20 July 2022

Bonding With Your Guinea Pig


A guinea pig is a cute animal to be taken in as a pet. You can cuddle with him, play with him, and spend hours with him. But, what does “fun” really mean for these tiny creatures? One thing you can do for your beloved pet to enjoy is indulging him in his favorite leisure activities, such as exercise, eating, and exploration. 

Understand that when you bring your guinea pig into your home, he still needs to do his natural preferences and express his innate behavior. So, give him provisions to do those things. 

One activity that your guinea pig can consider fun is by sharing food. This activity is also a way for you to know him more, his behaviors, preferences, temperament, and the like. Share healthy snacks rich in vitamin C, including oranges and apples. You may slice the fruit into small pieces to feed him. But, be careful in giving him the food. Do not let your fingers hit your guinea pig’s sharp teeth so you will not get bitten.

Your veterinarian Cedar Rapids, IA is a valuable resource when it comes to issues that affect your pet’s health and behavior.

Tuesday 19 July 2022

What Happens When A Cat Lacks Taurine In Her Diet?


Since taurine has lots of functions in the bodies of cats, feline taurine deficiency has critical health effects. 

Diet is the primary reason why cats develop a deficiency in taurine.  Cats fed with homemade meals that do not contain enough proteins from animal sources are likely to develop taurine deficiencies.  Also, cats who somehow prefer to eat dog food could be taurine-deficient since commercial dog food is not supplemented with high enough taurine levels needed by cats. 

Signs that a cat is a taurine-deficient manifest slowly.  It could take anywhere between a few months and several years for signs to be noticeable.

Taurine deficiency in cats makes them more vulnerable to developing important health issues such as feline central retinal degeneration (FCRD). Taurine is important in maintaining retinal health.  A deficiency in taurine makes the retinal cells known as photoreceptors start degrading.  Degradation like this leads to permanent blindness since it is not reversible. 

Your veterinarian Coral Springs, FL is a valuable source of information about your pet's diet and nutritional needs.

Monday 11 October 2021

Dental Care for Dogs

Just like with humans, the health of your dog’s teeth affects his overall health. The American Veterinary Dental College reports the majority of dogs start to show signs of periodontal disease by three years old. You can help your dog avoid this by taking a few simple steps.


It’s not uncommon for dog owners to overlook the importance of dental hygiene considering dogs, in general, are not known to have fresh, minty breath. Since dogs don’t typically have fresh breath, it’s easy to overlook this symptom. And while your canine buddy’s breath may have an odor, it shouldn’t be so bad that it makes you gag.

Here are a few ways you can freshen your little buddy’s breath:

        Dental dog treats - these freshen the breath and remove plaque buildup

        Brush your dog’s teeth with dog toothpaste on a regular basis (not human toothpaste, since that contains ingredients that can be toxic to a dog). Your vet can help you find quality toothpaste for dogs.

        Dog chews - helps scrape plaque off the teeth and some of them also contain teeth-cleaning enzymes

        Dog tooth wipes - these offer a nice alternative to brushing for dogs that don’t like getting their teeth brushed

And don’t hesitate to consult your local animal hospital Coral Springs, FL for other ways to care for your dog’s teeth, especially if Fido’s breath is really bad. Learn more here.

Wednesday 11 November 2020

Causes Of Deafness In Cats


animal hospital Coral Springs FL

Cats have a very keen sense of hearing, unfortunately, it’s also the first sense that goes. In cats, deafness may be congenital, meaning it’s present at birth, or the condition can be acquired. Some cases of deafness may be reversible when the underlying cause can be treated. However, other causes can be permanent. 

Loss of hearing in cats can be age-related. Deafness can take place gradually over time as a cat ages, therefore it often goes unnoticed. Age-relate deafness is a consequence of eardrums that thicken and become less flexible as cats age. The inner ears’ delicate structures also lose their sensitivity to vibration. In senior cats, loss of hearing is usually caused by a combination of the fusing of the bones of the inner ear and nerve damage. 

Being exposed to loud noises, such as firecrackers or loud music, have also been implicated in hearing loss in cats. 

Congenital deafness usually affects white cats with blue eyes. However, not all white cats or white cats with blue or green eyes are deaf. 

Any sign of an ear problem should warrant an appointment with your animal hospital Coral Springs, FL.

Wednesday 7 October 2020

What your cat needs to stay healthy

You have a cat in your life who needs your help to stay as healthy as she can be. How can you make sure you are helping her with this?

Your little fur ball needs to be able to care for herself in all the ways that she can, so be sure to offer her everything she will need to make this happen, like pet supplies, space to use them within, and activity opportunities. Your cat will also need you to look after her needs as well, so be sure to give her lots of love and attention while being mindful of any assistance that is required. Regular visits to the veterinarian will also be necessary so she can get the preventative care she needs in addition to the current care she deserves. For additional information, please contact your local vet Coral Springs, FL.