Showing posts with label Vets Glen Ellyn IL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vets Glen Ellyn IL. Show all posts

Thursday 5 March 2020

What are the Signs of Heartworms in Dogs?

Have you heard of heartworm disease in dogs? Heartworms are dangerous worms that can infiltrate the blood system of your canine causing damage to major organs like the heart, lungs and even the blood vessels. Heartworms, untreated, can cause lung disease and even heart failure. Signs of heartworm disease in dogs may include a persistent cough, reluctance to exercise, fatigue, decreased appetite and weight loss. Your dog may not show symptoms until the disease has progressed. Untreated heartworm disease can cause swollen belly or abdomen which could be signaling heart failure. Please have your dog tested for heartworms annually. A heartworm test is simply a blood test that your vet can give in office. If your dog tests positive he will need immediate and aggressive care. If you’re your dog tests negative then he should be on a monthly preventative medication. Talk to your veterinarians Glen Ellyn IL for more information.