Showing posts with label animal hospital Cincinnati OH. Show all posts
Showing posts with label animal hospital Cincinnati OH. Show all posts

Wednesday 15 July 2020

When to offer your cat treats

Your cat is a big part of your life and you want to make sure you are able to offer her everything she needs to stay happy and healthy. How can you determine when to give her a treat or two?

Your pet will need you to think about her nutritional needs and determine which ingredients you should be on the lookout for in her treats. This will help you determine which options are healthy for her and how many you can safely offer her at a time. You can then think about her lifestyle and daily schedule in order to find a time when they will be ideal for her. This may be during a lull in the afternoon in between meals or when she seems to need a little pick me up. Your local experienced veterinarians Cincinnati OH can offer additional suggestions.

Can you travel with your cat ?

Your cat is a big part of your life and you want to make sure you are able to bring her along with you whenever you are heading somewhere fun and pet-friendly. This makes you wonder – how can you travel with your cat?

Your pet needs you to take the time to think about all the ways that she needs to be cared for. This will help you better understand what it would be like to take her on a trip with you. Take each opportunity as it comes and evaluate if you can properly care for her needs while out and about. If you can and you feel like she would enjoy herself, it may be a good idea to look into pet-friendly travel options and accommodations in order to help her spend as much time with you as she can. For additional information, please talk your animal hospital Cincinnati OH

Monday 22 June 2020

The Sensitive Side of the Afghan Hound

The Afghan hound is widely known for his high speed and ability to maneuver easily through all kinds of obstacles. He’s a fierce hunter and competitor, but he has a sensitive side too, literally. The hound is s sight dog meaning he hunts by super sensitive sight. He can outrun a deer, gazelle or even a leopard. However, he’s also super sensitive to pain. The smallest of injuries can cause great discomfort for this slender built hound. For example, Afghan hounds are recommended for owners that are gentle and experienced in training. Afghans typically make wonderful pets for families with older children that are quiet and well behaved. A calm atmosphere is the Afghan’s preference.Afghan hounds also need a lot of room to play and run. If you have the calming, soft touch and lots of wide open spaces then you may want to ask your veterinarian Cincinnati, OH if there are Afghan hounds available in your area. Visit this website to know more.